
how many times have you been excluded from school, ? & what for

Answer #1

3rd grade- 4 times fighting, ditching school, cursing,peeing on the floor 6th grade- twice forgery and not showing up for detention 7th grade- NINE TIMES , destruction of school property,forgery,cursing,fighting , acting weird, false accusation, injuring another student in football, threatening someone, throwing scissors 8th grade- fighting,cheating on a test, making weird comments during a lesson, and for some reason my teacher lied to the principal and I said I sexually harassed her so thats 4 suspensions

Answer #2

I Have Never :D

Answer #3

I haven’t but in two weeks a boy in my class has been internally excluded twice, the first time because he was messing around in a lesson, so the teacher (who no-body likes) asked him to stay back after the lesson, and he tried to just leave at the end of the lesson, so miss tried to stop him but he just shouted at her and pushed her to get away :) it was hilarious.

the second time he just started fighing with another boy… usual.


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