excessive dryness

when me and my fiancee have sex I will stay wet for about maybe 15 min. I’ll get off maybe once and stay wet but after awhile i’m wanting for him to get off and it drys up and when he moves out it hurts. It begins to hurt from being dry. What happens? I’m only 19 and i’ve been with this guy for 3 yrs and never had this problem. What do i do?

Answer #1

Sometimes it just happens, becos you go you arnt as into it and turned on anymore maybe. One solution……LUBE! it will fix all your problems, when you dry up add some lube and it will fix the problem easy. Nothing to worry about, start to worry if you cant get wet at all! Just try some lube its a life saver and you stay wet for ages.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice