English 3!

Okay, So, I have a project due for my English 3 class. It’s on Comparing/Contrasting. I need something to write about. I’m all out of ideas, and it’s due monday. 3 pages handwritten and 1 & 1/2 pages typed using 12 font and it has to be double spaced. That’s useless anyways, but yeah.


Answer #1

Two career family vs. a one career family living at home vs. living in an apartment or dorm marriage vs. living together two horror or adventure movies two candidates for an office parents vs. teachers as educators a tv family vs. your family

Answer #2

Contrast is a noun or verb. Verb transitive involves one of contrasted things as subject. Modern use is archaism or blunderous, including use of with.

Compare requires avoiding the blunder of uncomparable subjects. Including use of with or to, depending on what is being compared, sometimes either with or to is useful.

Site examples to fill your paper. Reference Fowler’s Modern English Usage, Oxford.

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