empty friends

I have plenty of friends but none of them are like me. I read to lose myself in the book they read to seem cool. I like them and everything but were different and they dont understand me so I always feel really empty and always find my mind wandering so now im getting behind in my classes and they just cant see why I feel empty what should I do …thanks

Answer #1

Reach out and meet new people. Although you need to realize that having friends that are different than you is a great thing. My friends and I have a lot of different interest, ideas, views, religions, and opinions, that is what makes us so close though.

Answer #2

Realize people are different in many ways - no reflection on you, so don’t take it personally…Take care !!

Answer #3

this is my first answer so bare with me lol. ok putting it briefly I would say that if all your friends seen everything eye to eye with you on every level then the relationship would get stale, an I mean pretty boring, pretty fast, but il bet that your friends appretiate your diversity more then you know, just be sure to appretiate them for thers.

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