empty friends

I have plenty of friends but none of them are like me. I read to lose myself in the book they read to seem cool. I like them and everything but were different and they dont understand me so I always feel really empty and always find my mind wandering so now im getting behind in my classes and they just cant see why I feel empty what should I do …thanks

Answer #1

It’s normal to be different from our friends but it’s not normal to feel empty around them. I think you should just talk more to your friends about your differences and try to make bridges with them. You might think they just read to be cool but I bet you some really like reading and might just be shy to tell everyone. Also if you don’t talk to your friends about how you feel then they won’t be able to help you feel better. Ask your friends for help in school so as not to get behind in classes and open yourself up to the one you trust the most so you can talk about all your thoughts and feelings. You’d be surprised how close you can feel when you are just honest and open with people. Also being different can be seen as something positive because this means that you have things to teach your friends and they have things they can teach and share with you too!

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