Eating Dogs

Vietnamese people eat dogs I was just wondering what you guys thought about this

personally I think its wrong because unlike chicken and cows dog are pets which show effection and are loving

Answer #1

Personally I think it is digusting that people are eating dogs but that it is ridiculous that some people think it is so wrong to do this whilst dismissing the fact that they are munching on what once was a chicken or something. I have been a vegan my whole life and love it. I agree with sexymadison, animals that people eat show love and affection too! They also very much feel pain and emotion. It is truely nauseating some of the ways these animals are treated - go to; the pictures will definitely want to make you become vegetarian! If I had my way the whole world would be veggie! I know that is out f the question though and I have absolutely NOTHING against people who eat meat and understand that it is a form of nutrition. However I do hope this advice has put things into perspective! I wish all animals were treated fairly instead of being cruelly looked after and then murdered. 30 helpless chicks are killed every second. I’m not one of those crazy green people trying to change people - I am very down-to-earth thirteen year old bt just care about animals so please listen! I suppose you can’t change the world! Please think next time you eat an animal (I am not asking anyone to be veggie or anything I just want you all to understand!) So yeah, eating these poor dogs is revolting, but maybe think about the rest of the animals on this world! Sorry for babbling on!!.x Hope this helped. Thanks for reading this! If anyone out there wants any advice on vegan/vegetarian diets funmail me! Love to all!.x Confusedx0gurl make sure you follow your instincts - if you are suspicious of your neighbours tell someone in your family and make sure things are sorted!!:D Naomi..x

Answer #2

ewww, thats sooo gross! dogs are a man’s best friend(and not just men but women and kids too). they’re sooo great, I mean they love and care for you. I think its just plain wrong

Answer #3

as much as I lone dogs, it really isn’t that wrong. to people in india, us eating cows is horrible. it’s the same with this. just depends on where and how you live.

Answer #4

I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat animals at all, but if I did, I’d eat dog. It’s no different from eating any other animal.

Answer #5

dogs are friggin awsome I luvem

Answer #6

This is a double standard because why is it justifiable to eat cows, chickens and pigs but not dogs. Cows, Chickens and pigs also show affection and are loving. Cows provide us with milk. How could you thus eat a cow, after taking its milk? That is like killing your mother after drinking her milk! It is so evil. Out of all animals the cow is the most sacred. No animals should be eaten. The problem is that Christians cannot even understand their own religion so they justify their own sinful behavior by ignoring what Jesus said in the Bible. I have no problem with Jesus or the Bible, but I hate Christians because they are so sinful and they do not follow the 10 Commandments and the rules Jesus set out in the Bible. They are the 10 Commandments and not the 10 Suggestions. Christians lack even simple cognitive abitlities to try and understand the Bible. A two year old could better understand the Bible then even the biggest preacher. That’s the problem, Christians are just too stupid to understand what the Bible says. Jesus says in many places not to eat meat, but Christians do it anyway because they are too stupid to understand the Bible. So I mean Jesus says don’t eat meat, but if Christians are too stupid to understand this, then what can you do.

Answer #7

Yeah, I’m viet. And they DO eat dogs but not much anymore. I have NEVER eatten a dog. I personally think that’s just really disgusting… I mean seriously… How can you eat anything that you’re able to imagine living happily? Really sad, well, in my opinion.

Answer #8

Well I live in America and its illegal to do stuff like that and I think my neighbors are doing that and I dont know though

Answer #9

Yeh! Stupid idea to eat them! just think…U love them but you want to eat them> GROSS!!

Answer #10

Well, personally, I’m against it.
But, you must realize that different cultures have MUCH different morals/values. You see, here.. most people don’t see a thing wrong with rasing cows for meat.
But, it’s the same thing for vietnamese people. They don’t see dogs as their “pets” they see them as a source of meat… just the same as we see chickens, turkeys, cows, pigs, etc. Even though it does sound crule, it is no different.

Answer #11

If im not eat, they onl eat mongrel.. Not Shih Tzu, Jack Rusell etc.. But I personally hate and dislike people who eat dogs. They are so cruel. Although we eat chicken, fish etc.. But this is their fate.. They are born for us to eat.. But dogs are born for use to keep them as pets.. So.. I strongly disagree for people who want to eat dogs.

Answer #12

I would eat a dog

Answer #13

You would be suprised milliopns of people do

Answer #14

The only difference is you have a great deal of empathy for dogs but you don’t for livestock animals. Pigs are more intelligent than dogs yet people who are repulsed by the idea of eating dogs usually have no problem eating pork.

If you saw the horid life livestock animals live in factory farms you might think differently about eaitng a hamburger.

Answer #15

I think what makes it so hard for people is the fact that you wake up to dogs you come home to dogs we even have a saying for them


Monkeys are smart but they still bite and flig there poo at you. I think any pet that can show affection is one of the smartest animals.

Answer #16

I think its horrable I have 3 huskys sn I wont eat em

Answer #17

that is sooo sick! dogs are like wonderful loving pets! who would ever eat them!

Answer #18

I heard about it on a television documentary=(. I LOVE dogs SOOO much, why would they do this? I wish I had 1…

Answer #19

I think it’s wrong…

But if you live on a farm, you can get close to cows and chickens, too.

Answer #20

joke I would not eat a dog

Answer #21

In response to eating dogs and other animals you said, “No animals should be eaten. The problem is that Christians cannot even understand their own religion so they justify their own sinful behavior by ignoring what Jesus said in the Bible. I have no problem with Jesus or the Bible, but I hate Christians because they are so sinful and they do not follow the 10 Commandments and the rules Jesus set out in the Bible. They are the 10 Commandments and not the 10 Suggestions. Christians lack even simple cognitive abitlities to try and understand the Bible. A two year old could better understand the Bible then even the biggest preacher. That’s the problem, Christians are just too stupid to understand what the Bible says. Jesus says in many places not to eat meat, but Christians do it anyway because they are too stupid to understand the Bible. So I mean Jesus says don’t eat meat, but if Christians are too stupid to understand this, then what can you do.”

This comment shows your true ignorance or stupidity, whichever it may be. Have you read the Bible? If so, then you cannot plead ignorance on this one; must be stupidity. Where does Jesus say not to eat meat? In the Old Testament, it was considered wrong to eat “unclean” animals, not all animals, but just like animal sacrifice for Christians stopped after the ultimate sacrifice was given (Jesus Christ’s blood for ALL sinners…including you and me), many other things changed, too. And, by the way, the 10 Commandments never said a thing about killing or eating animals. In the KJV Bible, in the book of the Acts chapter 10 verses 9-15 clearly states: “On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour: And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. And the voice [spake] unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, [that] call not thou common.”

If you had not previously read this in the Scriptures, then you were ignorant of what was said in God’s Holy Word, but now it is no longer the case. Also, it does not take cognitive abilities to accept Christ, only faith. Your IQ level has nothing to do with faith.

Also, in the case of you saying you have, “no problem with Jesus or the Bible, but I hate Christians” the “hating Christians” part automatically makes you have a PROBLEM with both JESUS AND THE BIBLE.

I John 3:14 says, “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not [his] brother abideth in death.”

I understand enough of the Bible as a Christian to be able to show you that your comments are totally false. Yes, we all are sinners, even Christians…but someone who is a Christian is saved by the blood of Jesus Christ through His grace and through our faith in Him. Believing Jesus exists does not grant salvation or make someone a “Christian.” Even Satan and his demons know Jesus exists…He must be accepted as the only way to Heaven. We must all confess that we are sinners, ask for Christ’s forgiveness and help in repenting of our sins and living for Him, acknowledge that He is the only way to escape an ETERNAL BURNING HELL (as He DID clearly state throughout His Holy Word {John 14:6, Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 3:23-25, Romans 6:23, etc.}), realize that we CANNOT WORK OUR WAY TO HEAVEN (Eph. 2:8-10), and we must surrender our lives to Him!!! Jesus Christ is ALL that matters and anyone who does not accept Him before it is too late will realize the TRUTH when they are FORCED to bow the knee to Him (Philippians 2:4-11) !!! Don’t wait until its too late!! You have free will now and can decide whether to accept Him or not, but if you reject the Truth, in the end it WILL BE TOO LATE!

Answer #22

Everything shows affection and love, but we must eat meat to survive, cause ever since Adam and Eve sinned that’s how things had to be. Everything has a soul! I would never eat a dog, though! I feel sorry for all animals, but that’s how it has to be. Like I said, I am against eating dogs!

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