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Dyed reddish brown to blonde.. Best way
The title says it all really, been dying my hair dark brown with a tint in red for abuot 4 years, im wanting to go back blonde.. Honestly what would be the best way? What should I ask for in hair dressers or is there a way to do it at home? Thanks emz =)
being blonde myself and dying my hair brown (god knows why) it went wrong, I bought more dye to try and correct it, this also went wrong. so tried getting it to blonde again , and you guessed it, that also went wrong!, I ended up at the hair dressers having to have it cut into a bob style as I had wrecked it, but the hairdresser knew exactly what to do with the colour! and got it looking a very nice blonde again. I would reccommened going and having it done at the hairdressers, they wont ruin your hair and you only pay out once,. (not £20 on boxed stuff) then more again at hair dressers!… plus you get to be pampered for a while and come out happy! :o)
What's the best way to dye brown hair to blonde? - 3 Answers
I have dark brown hair and would like to go blonde, how do I do that without turning it orange or killing my hair? What is th...
Can I put a prelighter on dyed brown hair to make it blonde? - 2 Answers
Can I put pre lighter on dyed brown hair to make it blonde again ???
How do I dye brown dyed hair blond with minimum damage? - 1 Answers
I dyed my hair a month ago from blonde (highlighted) to brown. Now as you might have guessed I would like to go back to blon...
How can I get my hair blonde highlighted from dyed darkest brown? - 1 Answers
I've dyed my hair natural darkest brown and I wanted blonde highlights in how can I do this and will it ruin my hair?im worri...
What is the best way to dye my hair like a white blonde? - 3 Answers
I have my natural color.It's like a light/medium brown with natural blond and red highlights. I want to dye it a white blond....
natural blonde hair dyed bottle dye brown gone ranga! - 2 Answers
okayyy so my natural colour was blonde/light brown surfy looking hair. it had light blondish highlights through it and I dyed...
How can dyed yellow hair be returned to brown? - 2 Answers
My son had light brown hair, my neighbor dyed it because he wanted blonde hair, well it came out yellow. How do I make it g...
Naturally Blonde To Brown... Want To Go Back Blonde.. - 1 Answers
I dyed my hair brown from naturally blonde a few years ago and would love to go back to my natural hair colour, how would I g...
What- if I dyed my blonde hair brown would it turn back blonde?? - 4 Answers
I have light blonde hair, light blue eyes, and kinda pale looking skin. I was thinking of dying my hair another color, like a...
How I can dye my hair myself...brown to blonde. - 2 Answers
I just dyed my hair brown but the color is already faded and I hate it. Hows the easiest way to dye it back blonde?
brown leather jacket with hood
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