How long does it takes to learn drums?

How long does it takes to learn drums???

Answer #1

Well I have been playing for about a year and I get a lot of comments on it. if you are taking lessons and you are able to read music well… it would take no time at all… if you are learning off ear and not gettig leasons but you are musicaly talented and you have a good sense of a beat it wouldn’t take long…

Answer #2

it depends on the person. im part of a drum corp and there people who learn throught the duration of the winter, or people who take 5 or 6 years. my dad is one of the best drummers and it took him 4 years to learn. so good luck!!!

Answer #3

It all really depends on an individual. Theres no exact time. I know someone that played drums for about 7 months and is really good. There can be people that played for 2 years and is ‘alright’. It all really depends on you. If youre focus and practise heaps, you’ll get there in no time.

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