People at school are telling me to do drugs what should I do?

hy people at school are telling me to do drugs what should I do

Answer #1

go up to them and say have a short life unless you don’t do drugs. if you do drugs that doesn’t make you a badass or punk but just dumbass

Answer #2

what the?! no no no and a million no’s!!! DON’T LET ANYONE TELL YOU WHAT TO DO IF IT’S SOMETHING AS BAD AS THIS!! Good luck, and be passient, cause they will nag and nag forever!!!

Answer #3

the people in school probably want to hurt you. If they are your friends they probably want not feel alone. Drugs have only one result. That result is death. Do not hurt yourself because of what other people say. If they are telling you stuff like do this or I will not be your friend then maybe they arent your true friends

Answer #4

well do you want to do them if you do do it but if you dont then dont I mean I been poppin hydrocodones and smokin weed since 6th grade but I mean I made my own choices I mean im 15 but I have tried a lot of drugs and stuff but I dont care lolz I just keep cheifin

Answer #5

it really depends on you… but don’t let your friends or your curiosity run you… drugs really harm your body… they all have the same effect!! and not just talking about your body… if you get caught!! - you’d be in quite the trouble! I’m just saying to think it over and don’t risk doing something you know that isn’t for you!

Answer #6

you already know the answer to this question… “just say no”

so is your question more of a how do I get out of it without looking bad? There’s nothing wrong with saying no… as long as you have the confidence to stand up to them, people will back off. Why throw your life away just because they are? People have died from overdoses and negative reactions the first time they’ve used… Try and avoid people and places where you get pressurized…

Answer #7

It up to you really, if you don’t want to just simply say no.

Answer #8

Alright, this is what you do… if someone asks you a question like that tell them

“I’d rather gouge your eyes out”

(believe me… it works with people at my school.. I say it, and they just walk away)

Answer #9

Alright, this is what you do… if someone asks you a question like that tell them

“I’d rather gouge your eyes out”

(believe me… it works with people at my school.. I say it, and they just walk away)

Answer #10

Say no thax. its now worth killing your self

Answer #11

say no and dont let people run your life

Answer #12

Just because people tell you to do something it doesn’t mean you should. One thing about growing up is learning to take your own decisions based on your welfare and others peoples welfare. If people are pressuring you into anything that can harm you or them, you need not take part. Don’t do anything you don’t think is right. Always be true to yourself and be happy!

Answer #13

If you don’t want to don’t do it. As those commericials say, live above the influence. Don’t let people tell you to do something, especially if its not right.

Answer #14

You should know right from wrong if you think its right do It,if you think its wrong than don’t do it:)

Answer #15

You should NEVER do drugs.Even if your bestfriend,or your boyfriend tells you to do it!They hurt you in so many ways.If someone tells you to jump off a cliff,would you?Of course not,well it’s the same as drugs!

Answer #16

do it…if you wanting and willing 2 throw your life away!!! I wudnt do them ((but I play sports and a huge track star and I don’t want 2 risk losing everything I’ve worked 2 be)) but then again its your choice on what 2 do if you want ruin your life then go on ahead but stop and think do you want 2 risk losing your life,friends((true friends))boyfriend,family?? or getting made fun of 4 a while?? ask your self those questions and when you can anwser them then you have your anwser because everyone here at funadvice can give you advice but in the end it all comes down 2 you anwsering your own question…do you say yes and do the drugs?? or say NO!!!

Answer #17

if you dont want to konw then just tell them to stop it works

Answer #18

They are not your parents so if you dont want to do it say no. you might ruin your life if you do it. But its your choice. I advice you dont do it.

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