Drinking after eating a mint

I know (or at least think) that when you eat a mint, an endothermic reaction takes place in your mouth, resulting your breath and mouth feeling colder. But why is it that if you drink water or another drink after eating a mint it tastes really odd? Is it because of the reaction?

p.s I’m not even sure what causes the reaction or if it is even a reaction so it would be good if that could be explained as well

Thanks :)

Answer #1

There’s a molecule in your tongue called CMR1. CMR stands for Cold-Menthol Receptor. It’s triggered by cold, and it’s actually the same molecule all over your skin to detect cold things. When it fires, it sends off a nerve message that your brain interprets as “cold”.

But menthol also triggers it. It’s a kind of biological accident that the menthol molecule sets off this trigger; there’s no “purpose” to it. Just two different keys that fit that particular lock. The same sort of biological accident causes chili peppers to set off the “hot” receptors.

When you chew mint gum, some menthol remains in your mouth even after the gum is gone. That sensitizes the receptors. Drinking something cold (or even something hot) reopens the receptors so that they fire again. That makes cold things seem colder, and even gives hot drinks a weirdly refreshing feeling. Try chewing gum before drinking coffee some time.
Sources: http://www.scq.ubc.ca/dude-you-got-some-gum/

Answer #2

huh :S it just taste like mint right :S.. I always brush my teeth and wash mouth with wonder than have some after lol

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