Why hasn't anyone invented the opposite of the microwave?

I’ve always wondered why not!

Why isn’t there a “freezer” and no, I am not talking about the second part to a refrigerator. Like when you have cold food/drink and you want it hot, you put it in the microwave and it heats it up. But what about when you have something hot that you want cold? You have to sit it in the freezer and wait forever for it to be cold. Why isn’t there something like a microwave but cools down instead of heats up? Or is there??

Answer #1

Keep quiet and develope one and patent it and see if it sells, but freezers are really very fast

Answer #2

I like your thinking, but unfortunately, no such thing exists, nor is it likely to in your lifetime.

A microwave rapidly heats things up by firing microwave radiation at food which, when they strike the water molecules inside the food, cause those molecules to rapidly vibrate. This vibration creates friction heat, like rapidly rubbing your hands together creates heat, and this heat cooks or warms the food.

So if motion causes heat, does slowing cause cooling? No. The process works in reverse, so cooling causes slowing, not the other way around. So while it’s easy to create heat, it’s harder to get rid of it, because you can’t just create cold. Heat must be removed for something to become cold. That’s what refrigerators and freezers do – remove heat energy from the air inside the fridge, not add cold air.

Once superconducters become cheap, you may see household appliances that can instantly remove the heat energy from food, but those days are long way off.

Answer #3

? If they have it probely hasent worked but who knows.

Answer #4

you would be very surprised wht people would pay for in this day and age and quite frankly I think I would buy it if it ment instantly cool drinks or even cooling somthing down if it were to hot

Answer #5

No one would pay for it? You want stuff to instantly heat because you want to eat it (like for lunch or whatever). The only time when you want stuff to instantly cool is like a drink… And no one is going to pay extra just to have a drink instantly cool…

Answer #6

why would yu want a drink or soda hot?? and just throw ice in it or put ice round it or the freezer itself thats sorta what there there for

Answer #7

I don’t believe there is an instant freezing thing. If there isn’t then you may want to patent that and make a household instant freezer yourself. Sell it at Sears and make a huge profit. It probably won’t work but if you believe in an idea enough and have enough planning a research to back you up then go for it.

Answer #8

spray with liquid nitrogen maybe? a seald unit with nitrogen sprayers inside. worth a try

Answer #9

just use the fridge! or freezer… it doesnt take THAT long!

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