Dont know what to do

I had sex w/ my b/f august 3, and I my last period was around july 27, could I be pregnant b/c it is september 15…so I was kinda worried about if I was pregnant or if I ahvnt got my period b/c of stress…bc we broke up august 17 and I’ve had kind of a hard time dealing with it…we was almost together 4 a year(woulda been a year yesterday,september 14)

Answer #1

well, its been enough time… take a pregnancy test.

Answer #2

Although stress can cause missed periods, it’s pretty uncommon unless that stress is severe

I would seriously think about getting a pregnancy test done

Answer #3

Different things can cause a late period (stress, body changes, etc.) but it is off quite a bit which means you really need to take a test. There’s really nothing we can do for you…

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