why do dogs naturaly want to kill cats?

Answer #1

Well not all dogs want to, just certain breeds and or dogs with certain characteristics that make them kill just about anything (squirrels, mice, birds, cats ect.) I’ve seen many dogs chase a cat just because they are curious and want to play with them. I have also seen cats and dogs hang out together in good harmony.

Answer #2

Simply instinctive, generally cats are smaller in size. I’m not positive on the psychology behind it but that’s the way the predatorily world works.

Answer #3

Not all of them do, I think it depends how they are raised. I have a pit bull, she grew up around our cat, of course which anyone would think would rip a cat into pieces, rather annoys our cat with kisses to the point he claws her. I also have a min pin, which are bred to kill animals smaller than them, & he also grew up with the cat & showers him in kisses too.

Answer #4

It doesn’t have anything to do with their breeds or doggy instincts… It’s how they’re brought up. My staffie spent his first two years on a farm without cats around, until we got him and he had to live with our three-legged cat Wizzer. During the first couple weeks of having him we continuously told him not to touch the cat. Then we fully introduced them. He never went after Wizzer and they were like besties. Wizzer, having three legs (due to an argument with a great dane), would start fights with other cats to prove his strength. Our dog would hear it going on and come to the rescue scaring the other cat away. Wizzer recently passed due to heart failure and every time we mention him we can see the pain in our dogs eyes. He deeply misses his best friend.

Answer #5

True how the dog is raised plays a part, but more then likely any dog will pursue a smaller animal to establish dominance.

Answer #6

Wisegeek.com says:Dogs chase cats because they are natural predators. That is, before their domestication took place about ten thousand years ago, canines were acting upon survival instincts to chase and catch smaller creatures to eat. The survival instincts are also known as the “prey drive.” While prey drive can be modified by training, the natural instinct that makes dogs chase cats is still triggered by movement.

Answer #7

Did you not even read her answer? Please give up on trying to correct her by quoting “wisegeek.com”, she was obviously referring to domesticated animals. :)

Answer #8

I dont think they want to kill cats. I think it is more down to the fact that they run away that triggers something in them to chase. As with my dog when we are out and a cat appears, he will run up to it ,and if it just sits there, then he will sniff it and walk away. Whereas if it runs away then he will chase it and atemt to make it his dinner XD.


Answer #9

animal instinct

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