Dog is acting sick/sluggish, what should I do

My dog is acting sick/sluggish, what should I do…ps low on cash

Answer #1

go to the vet if it has a disease try and get money and put it down because its better To put it down then having I suffer

Answer #2

go to the vet, or dog was doing that for like a week, we took her to the vet and she ended up dieng cause a disese! ♥ ya

Answer #3

A little more information would help.

What kind of dog? How old? Has he been eating/ drinking?


The more info you give, the more likely we are able to give you some advice.

Answer #4

excuss my spelling. It is really hard to digniose somthing on the computer or over the phone. I know this is a place for questions, but I think when you get an answer just take it for the help someone is trying to give instead of that is what it must be what it is or that is how to cure this.. Maybe you can find a vet to help you with the monies. At the hospital I work at we require 1/3 of the total bill at the time of the vist and you can “hold checks” for a future date. We also deal with a type of credit card called “Care Credit” They may have a web site you can check out and apply online. When you have a dog you will have medical expense you need to account for. Please due what is best for the animal.

Answer #5

It’s hard to say what it is, because it can be a lot of different things!

Whenever your dog is not acting, like it’s normal self, that a signal, that something is wrong, and the only reasonable thing you can do, is to take the dog to the vet.

The vet, is really the only one, who will be able to determine, exactly what the problem is, and properly and effectively treat it. A lot of vets take payment plans!

You can borrow the money from someone, you can apply for Care Credit.

One way or another, you really need to find a way to get him to a vet as soon as possible.

The sooner the better! It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Good Luck!

Hope the poor guy is feeling better really soon!

Answer #6

It’s hard to say what it is, because it can be a lot of different things! Whenever your dog is not acting, like it’s normal self, that a signal, that something is wrong, and the only reasonable thing you can do, is to take the dog to the vet. The vet, is really the only one, who will be able to determine, exactly what the problem is, and properly and effectively treat it. A lot of vets take payment plans! You can borrow the money from someone, you can apply for Care Credit. One way or another, you really need to find a way to get him to a vet as soon as possible. The sooner the better! It’s always better to be safe than sorry! Good Luck! Hope the poor guy is feeling better really soon!

Answer #7

“Sick and sluggish” are pretty general terms…”Sick”…does he have diarreah? what does it look like?…is he vomiting? Is he off feed? Is he taking in water? How old is this dog? So many questions, but no information given, to help you out.

If he got into garbage, or you started a new food without easing him into it, it may be a simple matter of a 24 hour fast, and feeding boiled chicken or hamberger and rice for a few days…

More details, please.


Answer #8

take it to a vet , that is the only solution

Answer #9

take it to the vet and if there is something wrong and you cant afford it, work out a compromise with your vet~itl help I mean last I heard it was their job to help animals no matter what good luck and hope there is nothing wrong with your dog :-)

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