Does your life suck?

Because mine does! I care 2 much about what other people think of me! Why does your life suck??? please telll me so I will stop feeling bad about myself.. I am depressed… What should I do when depressed?

Answer #1

thanks for all the help everyone!

Answer #2

okay, source:

http:// mystudentbody. com

Answer #3

calderoh, care to state your source?

Answer #4

My life is amazing. I love it. You saying your life sucks is making you think its horrible. Lighten up. Enjoy your life. You’ve only got one.

Answer #5

My life doesn’t suck because I’ve done what I needed to do to take control of my life - now I get to reap in the rewards.

You control your own destiny. If your life is so horrible - change it. It’s not as difficult as it sounds.

Answer #6

No, my life doesn’t suck. I deal with my emotions by talking to people to whom I feel comfortable with and such. I loved the answers above about depression and our personality traits. If you continue to feel depressed, then I’d suggest seeing your doctor. See if you could also speak to a counselor about this. Don’t feel bad, I had my moments of depression and life being ruined which was mostly by my family.

Answer #7

well, you dont have kids for one, and you dont have to cling onto the only thought that mabye today someone might help you. You no-longer have any friends and the ones you try to reach out to are your enemies. Everyday is the same, you already know what is going to happen at the exact times. Like @ 12:00 noon one of the two kids are going to have a crappy diaper… thirty minutes later they are going to scream non-stop… you cant go anywhere and your awesome home turns into hell… no job, no money, and no one cares… that is how you know your life truly sucks…

Answer #8

there is a quote. it is “your life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

Answer #9

It’s a common misconception that optimism is a personality trait. In other words, an ability to look at both achievements and setbacks from the brighter side is something you’re simply born with (or not). In fact, behavioral scientists have found that optimism is a learned skill. And even diehard pessimists can become more optimistic in their thinking. According to Martin Seligman, the psychologist who coined the term “learned optimism,” much of what we call pessimism is a negative way of explaining negative events in one’s life. Learning to view these events in a positive light, can lead to a new outlook on life.

Pessimists have their own way of thinking about things that go wrong. For example, a minor setback, such as failing a test, is interpreted as something that is personal, permanent, and pervasive:

Personal: “I’m a real dummy when it comes to calculus.”

Permanent: “I’ll always be a dummy with math”

Pervasive: “If I can’t get through this course, my whole semester is messed up”

Optimists take a different approach. They tend to interpret situations as external, temporary, and specific:

External: “It was a hard test. Other people had a hard time too.” Temporary: “It’s just a setback. I’ll do better next time.” Specific: “It’s only one test. I am doing better in other areas.”

The optimistic style affects different areas of life, including physical health and overall success. Consider these findings:

How do team members explain wins and losses? Sports teams with an optimistic explanatory style have more success than “pessimistic” teams.

How do people explain their illnesses? Optimists have a longer life expectancy. People who tend to blame themselves when things go wrong, experience lower than average physical health (and higher than average death rates), than those with an optimistic explanatory style.

How does optimism affect job performance? Employees with a more optimistic style are better at handling pressure situations, and are more likely to advance in their jobs.

Can optimism get you better grades? According to Seligman and his colleagues, optimistic law students tend to have higher grade point averages and achieve greater law journal success, than their pessimistic classmates.

How do others view optimism? Presidential candidates with optimistic styles are more viable than those who appear pessimistic. Studies have found that you can actually predict presidential winners by determining the candidate with the more optimistic message. (Regardless of political affiliations, many people felt that George Bush presented a more optimistic message than John Kerry in the 2004 elections).

So what’s the solution to pessimism? Learn to recognize negative thought patterns in yourself and others. Focus on framing each event in the most positive light. When faced with a negative situation, think about the external, temporary, and specific, explanations that might apply. Seligman argues that people in the United States have become so focused on individualism that failure experiences become magnified. People are too preoccupied with their own successes and failures. Reaching out to others and supporting worthwhile activities can help counter the emptiness that feeds pessimism.

Answer #10

We all know how it feels to be sad, unhappy, discouraged, or even just plain miserable. But if those feelings linger for weeks or even months, you may be suffering from something more serious. How do you know if your feelings of sadness have developed into depression?

Clinical depression is an illness that can disrupt many aspects of your life, school, work, relationships, and even sleeping and eating habits. Research shows that the number of college students that seek help for depression is increasing significantly. Studies indicate that 10% of all college students are diagnosed with depression. And according to a recent survey, 85% of college health centers have reported increases in the number of students with psychological problems.

Some factors may come into play to account for the increasing rates of depression among college students. As young adults between the ages of 18 and 25, college students are faced with many different changes simultaneously. They are trying to redefine themselves as independent adults, while adjusting to new academic and social challenges. The issues of early adulthood and the pressure and stress of college can contribute to an environment that allows depression to take hold.

Identify depression and take control The first step in overcoming depression is learning to recognize the signs and symptoms. A person who is clinically depressed may experience some or all of the following symptoms for prolonged stretches of time (over two weeks):

º Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable º Problems with sleep (insomnia or oversleeping) º Changes in eating habits (overeating or not eating enough) º Difficulty concentrating or remembering things º Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness º Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts

Catch depression before it’s too late Tackling depression head-on is difficult for many people, but it’s much too important to ignore. Two-thirds of the people who commit suicide are depressed, and suicide is the second leading cause of death for college students. Depression is nothing to shrug off, whether you see it in yourself or in a friend.

Someone who has thoughts of death or suicide needs to know that help is available and that there are people who care. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the following signs, seek help immediately:

º Talking about committing suicide or being preoccupied with death º Withdrawing from friends or social activities º Taking unnecessary risks º Giving away his or her belongings (as a way of preparing for death) or writing a will º Turning to alcohol and drugs more frequently

If you have experienced any of these symptoms or seen them in a friend, it’s important to remember that there is hope. There are treatments that work, including several that can provide relief in a matter of weeks. The most important step is taking action. Go to your college health or counseling center. The professionals there can listen to your concerns and help steer you in the right direction. If you have an immediate need, the Internet or a 24-hour hotline can be valuable resources. Numerous websites offer additional information, including where to find help in your area. When in doubt, reach out and make the call. Worst case, you’ll remember that you’re not alone in this. There is always hope.

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