Does Wellbutrin really help someone quit smoking?

I have been a smoker for over twelve years now and my doctor just suggested I try quitting with Wellbutrin. I have tried the patch, the gum, the inhaler, you name it. They all either addicted me to something else or just didn’t work. I craved the hand-oral satifaction of lifting a cigarette, taking a puff, and then the flick. It must be something like crack addiction I think. I desperately want to quit now. Is Wellbutrin my savior?

Answer #1

depends on the person I tried everything myself and nothing work took dastic measures started well butron 3 days ago nothing yet except bad taste in my mouth hard to sleep been restless but I havent got to the point of not smoking a few more days before I can quit wish me luck

Answer #2

Oh the joys of Wellbutrin! I loved the stuff and it helped me kick an addiction to cigarettes that I thought was near impossible. I used the gum fairly successfully for a while but I eventually went back and smoked even more when I fell off the wagon.

I have had plenty of friends quit using the patch, the gum, and the inhaler. I needed the Wellbutrin though. It allowed me to smile while I quit instead of trying to run over people in the car for hatred of anything that got under my skin.

Long short: Wellbutrin works.

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