Does Niacin really work to clear drugs out of urine?

I heard from a bunch of people that niacin will clean your system out if you take a bunch of em the day before your U.A and drink a lot of water unfortunately some of these people never had a U.A before… SO I am asking all of you or anyone that can help me DOES NIACIN REALLY WORK???

Answer #1

I wanted to join the navy, I smoked weed every day, after 5 days I took 2000mg of niacin in the morning, noon and night, and drank at least a gallon to two gallons of water a day, it makes your skin real hot and itchy and irratable but def works, I passed

Answer #2

Yes Bro!!! believe me. I take U.A.’s every month but,I smoke like the beginning of the month then the rest I flush my system out for 2-3 weeks don’t be a jackass like some people wait 3 days or 1 day before their U.A. be smart this is what works niacin flush or non-flush (LOTS)water (3tps a week)apple vinger (certo only works for 5 hours) thats it (BUT REMEMBER SMOKE ONLY IN FIRST WEEK OR DAYS(3-5)OF MONTH)

Answer #3

Yes Bro!!! believe me. I take U.A.’s every month but,I smoke like the beginning of the month then the rest I flush my system out for 2-3 weeks don’t be a jackass like some people wait 3 days or 1 day before their U.A. be smart this is what works niacin flush or non-flush (LOTS)water (3tps a week)apple vinger (certo only works for 5 hours) thats it (BUT REMEMBER SMOKE ONLY IN FIRST WEEK OR DAYS(3-5)OF MONTH)

Answer #4

No it doesn’t work, especially for herb, because thc is stored in your fat and released slowly. Large amounts of water will dilute your urine, but highly dilute urine is concidered to be a possitive for drug use. If it’s for a job, you simply won’t be hired. If the sample is diluted, they might make you wait arround for a second test, since the excess water will now be out of your system.

Answer #5

yeah I’ve heard it can work, im not sure how much but I guess you gotta take a lot. and it’s not really good for your body to take too much at a time. I can’t condone any illegal activities but let’s just say “I have this friend” who has passed several u.a.’s by using the only fool proof method. U have to get a small container, like a trial-sized shampoo bottle you might find at any grocert, drugstore, or walmart. rinse it out REALLY good. it might still faintly smell like shampoo but as long as you rinsed it really good with really hot water (and don’t forget to rinse the cap just as good) several times. (also after u rinse it a few times, fill it halfway with hot water, (as hot as it comes out of the faucet is fine) and shake the crap out of it, and repeat that a few times. once your sure you rinsed it out good, find a friend or a little brother who you ABSOLUTELY KNOW is clean of any drugs or alcohol to fill it with pee, all the way. then put the cap on tight, rinse off the outside. wear gloves if your worried about a few drops of pee that might get on your hands. then, and this is important, you got to get some hand and foot warmers that people use for camping and skiing. dont get the cheap crappy ones from walmart that you have to shake up to use. go to an actual Big 5 sports or a ski store. the ones you use you should just have to open the package and peel off the paper backing to expose the sticky side. u take 2 of these (should be 2 in a package) and stick them to your container and reinforce that with tape (wrap tape around the container to stick the warmers to it) this will keep the pee at the proper tempurature so they will think it came right out of your body. try to get the pee less than an hour before you go in. you should wear long socks and just stuff the container with warmers down your sock. they sometimes make you empty your pockets but they never pat you down or watch you pee. you go in the bathroom by yourself and take the container and dump it in the cup, put the container back in your pocket, and walk out and hand them the cup. if your paranoid they might see the container through your pants (depending on how tight your pants are) you can tape it to your upper thigh. good luck.

Answer #6

Pharmacological uses

Niacin, when taken in large doses, blocks the breakdown of fats in adipose tissue, thus altering blood lipid levels. Niacin is used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia because it reduces very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), a precursor of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol. Because niacin blocks breakdown of fats, it causes a decrease in free fatty acids in the blood and, as a consequence, decreased secretion of VLDL and cholesterol by the liver.[4]

By lowering VLDL levels, niacin also increases the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol in blood, and therefore it is sometimes prescribed for patients with low HDL, who are also at high risk of a heart attack.[5][6] An extended release formulation of niacin for this indication is marketed by Abbott Laboratories under the trade name Niaspan.

Niacin is sometimes consumed in large quantities by people who wish to fool drug screening tests, particularly for lipid-soluble drugs such as marijuana.[7] It is believed to “promote metabolism” of the drug and cause it to be “flushed out.” Scientific studies have shown it does not affect drug screenings, but can pose a risk of overdose, causing arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, and other serious problems

Answer #7

I am 5’4 and around 115 lbs and a heavy pot smoker. I was randomly tested at school and failed miserably. I had a month to pass my test but smoked 3 weeks until the test because I bought a detox drink that I thought would work. The drink called “The stuff” is a hoax and does not work so dont waste your money. Then after not smoking for about a week and taking niacin for 3 days I passed an at home test. I took 1 niacin the first day just to see how it works, 6 the second day and 5 the third day. Be sure that while you are taking Niacin you drink atleast a gallon of water a day, also to help clear out my system I have been taking 20 cranberry pills a day for the past 3 days. With doing all these procedures over a 3 day period and not smoking for a week I passed my first drug test on the third day. My boyfriend is also a heavy smoker and has past 8 drug tests while taking niacin and smoking every day until the day before his test. He weighs 200 lbs and took 8 niacin to pass his. He took his tests at a local hospital and still passed while drinking plenty of water. Be sure when taking niacin you do not fall asleep on it and let the burn and itch wear down on its own. Take the niacin at night when you can sit down and relax and just let it work its course and down the niacin with a gallon of water and urinate as frequently as possible. This worked for me, and my boyfriend, and hopfully for you… GOOD LUCK

Answer #8

Niacin does work if you take it right give yourself a few days like 2 to take them and if you got a stick urine test you should pass I passed every one that I had taken with niacin

Answer #9

Niacin does work, however by eating fatty meals such as meat, which will be digested to substances such as glycerol and fatty substances will fill cell in your body with fat replacing the THC content in those cells. But be sure to eat a lot of the fatty meals a weak or so before the test to assure that your blood is clean.

Answer #10

Dear big_king_ya_dig, No, like you said most who recommend this stuff are just echoing what they hear from a friends friend. if people could pass their tests with things like Niacin don’t you think everyone would pass??? Of course they would. Sue…good luck

Answer #11

Niacin does work I have personally tried this method. I use the GNC Niacin 500mg, You however must give the body time to flush the system as it will with the niacin. I normally take 1000mg every morning for at least 3 days and then give myself 2 days to clear the niacin out. However DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, buy the flush free Niacin as this will make sure everything is held inside your system and could cause a problem, I am not sure if in time it will have the same affect as the flush Niacin but if you are serious about the U.A. then do not use flush-free. Once again I have found this to be very helpful with my U.A. and the only time it didn’t work is when I didn’t give myself enough time to let it work through…I got cocky.

Answer #12

I smoked like two weeks ago. how many niacin pills do I need to take and how long?

Answer #13

THC is stored in fat…there is nothing but time that rids the body of it. Sue…good luck

Answer #14

Pharmacological uses

Niacin, when taken in large doses, blocks the breakdown of fats in adipose tissue, thus altering blood lipid levels. Niacin is used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia because it reduces very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), a precursor of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol. Because niacin blocks breakdown of fats, it causes a decrease in free fatty acids in the blood and, as a consequence, decreased secretion of VLDL and cholesterol by the liver.[4]

By lowering VLDL levels, niacin also increases the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol in blood, and therefore it is sometimes prescribed for patients with low HDL, who are also at high risk of a heart attack.[5][6] An extended release formulation of niacin for this indication is marketed by Abbott Laboratories under the trade name Niaspan.

Niacin is sometimes consumed in large quantities by people who wish to fool drug screening tests, particularly for lipid-soluble drugs such as marijuana.[7] It is believed to “promote metabolism” of the drug and cause it to be “flushed out.” Scientific studies have shown it does not affect drug screenings, but can pose a risk of overdose, causing arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, and other serious problems

Answer #15

Wassa Big_king_ya_dig,

Sue, you cant correct somebodies erroneous logic with more erroneous logic, you’ve polarized the issue with a false dichotomy. Big_king_ya_dig, Niacin, the kind that causes a flush, can cause safe vasodilation which logically may help dexification, its also is known to mobilise fat which is a central issue in detoxing thc, a fat soluble molecule. btw you could get your own test done just before the test youre being forced to take, if youre clear you have reassurance that you wont be unjustly penalised. if not, perhaps find a way to have an accident or sickness or some excuse to prolong the time you can detox for, if possible, and make sure you take as much creatine as you can, you can find it in some gym work out protein bars, look at the ingredients or sometimes it is prominently advertised, musashi make one with 2g of creatine. eat a couple of the bars at least an hour before the test, together with a couple of megaB vitamin tablets. and then drink as much water as you can, your urine will be very dilute but still contain a normal amount of creatine so they wont be able to tell its dilute, and the second way they sometimes determine dilution is by colour which is why you take the B vitamine,

good luck, hope this is more constructive advice,


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