Does it hurt to gauge with silicone?

My current gauge size is 4 and I want to go to 2. I wanted to do it with silicone gauges, but I heard it hurts. Does it?

Answer #1

why would you respond if you don’t even know anything about the question..

anyways, yes it does because with the silicone gauges you just squeeze together and put it in your ear and the gauges just expands all at once where as, with a taper you gradually push it through. it does hurt a bit worse however, it is much easier and faster with the silicone gauges.

Answer #2

you guys are all dumbasses, not to be mean, if you gauge with silicone then there’s a chance to have it bond to your inner skin inside your stretched ear. This also means that it can start to bleed plasma and blood at the same time therefore you will have to take your piercing out and let it heal thus fucking up your ears. ~DO NOT STRETCH WITH SILICONE~

                                               Nuff ~ Said
Answer #3

whats a gauge?

Answer #4

no it doesnt I stretched from a 6 to a 3 with them and a 2 to 00 it doesnt hurt I think its way better then a tapper

Answer #5

How do you make the pain ngo away?? I just whent up one size with a silicone tunnel and it’s in soo much pain, its been 3 days…

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