Does anyone still believe that the war in Iraq wasn't about oil?

Some on this board actually believe that the war in Iraq is not about oil, and that it was good we invaded a country that posed zero threat to us, or its neighbors. They think it is just a coincedence that the defenseless country we invaded just happened to have the worlds second largest oil reserves.

What do people think?

Answer #1

You already ‘pre-determined’ and answered your own question:

You: What do people think?

You: They think it is just a coincedence that the defenseless country we invaded just happened to have the worlds second largest oil reserves.

Answer #2

Its funny that so many people think the war had anything to do with oil at all. There is no support that conclusion at all. We sure aren’t getting any of it other than buying it at OPEC prices–not surprising since Iraq is a charter member of OPEC.

As has been correctly pointed out, the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. These folks were angry at us because since 1991, the US had a major presence in SA where we based our miliary forces engaged in maintaining the no-fly zones over Iraq. For years, those folks told us in many ways they wanted us out of Saudi Arabia, but we didn’t listen–these were the Clinton years during which we ineptly countered their various protests.

What Bush sought to do in intervening in Iraq was eliminate the need to continue the no fly zones and get us out of SA. To do this, Saddam had be removed from power, which is what we did, allowing us to get out of SA which completely eliminated that aggression against us. Hasn’t been an attack against us since. There are other issues wrapped up in this, but that’s another debate.

What we didn’t realize was how aggressive Al-Quada would be in their pursuit to seize control of the country and grab its oil profits for its own use against us.

Clearly, allowing Iraq to fall into the hands of Al-Quada would not be in our national interest. The thought of OBL controlling 20% of the world’s oil supply is truly scary, indeed.

It is also quite clear that the Iraqi government is not strong enough to fend them off by themselves yet. The time will come eventually, but until then, they really need our support.

The way you have to look at is how many lives have been saved by our efforts in Iraq–the answer is in the 100s of thousands.

The Iraq confiict isn’t an attempt to occupy the country or steal its resources–those have never been a part of anyone’s agenda and there isn’t any evidence that has happened. It is, more than anything else, a peacekeeping operation intended to control sectarian violence until the Iraqis can do it themselves.

As for the decision to engage Haliburton to handle the oil field damage and restoration of infrastructure, it was a logical choice. There are only a few companies in the world with the expertice capable of bidding on a project of this size and successfully completing the mission. All but Haliburton are foreign companies. So, those that argue Haliburton as an issue, are really saying we should have hired a foreign company to do the work. This makes very, very little sense.

Compared to all other conflicts the US has engaged, Iraq has been and will continue to be the cheapest war we’ve fought. The amount of money spent has been, relatively speaking, next to nothing. As for the loss of military lives, we’ve been lucky there too. Most of our losses are attributable to not having enough boots on the ground to prosecute the war safely. Its a lesson learned. What the sacrifice of 4000 troups means to us is we saved a lot of Iraqi citizens from needless slaughter and we prevented the loss of thousands of American civilian lives here at home had we not taken action.

It is also fair to mention that the vast majority of the money spent on Iraq has been spent here in the US and has created or preserved millions of American jobs during the economic slowdown that started during the Clinton administration. Bush inherited a failing economy and has done a great deal minimizing the losses compared to what would have happened had he not taken action. Many people simply don’t get this–that’s clear.

Every argument I’ve seen against the Iraq conflict has taken a narrow view–focusing on specific issues without an overall context. The arguments for the conflict take a broader view that embraces the whole picture. Its the big picture that really matters, taking into account all the factors and issues collectively. The con arguments appear to be mostly emotional ones leaning to the irrational, the pro arguments quite logical and obvious. For the purpose of parlor debate, I guess it just depends on the person and how they see things but you have to base international policy on sound rationale. Anything else is irresponsible.

Answer #3

So what should the price of freedom be?

  Are we in America the only ones who should be entitled to freedom?

If we in America are entitled to freedom then we must be willing to fight the enemies of our freedom – wherever they may reside.

You will believe what you want to believe, but Iraq is about freedom. The fact that there are small factions who will try to disrupt that quest for freedom does not negate the will of the majority of those people who do strive for freedom and liberty.

Sure, many of our boys are dying. But just as in WWI and WWII, we chose to fight on foreign shores to protect and further the freedom and liberty within our own shores.

Freedom and liberty is a God-given right. At least that is according to the Christian God. The problem is that not all religions agree with that perception.

The price of freedom and liberty is high whether it is just to defend America’s freedom and liberty or to aid another people to have a chance at freedom and liberty.

Is Iraq and its people’s quest for freedom and liberty worth the sacrifice of American lives? Yes, if we are trying to instill liberty and freedom into the world in order that ours may be preserved.

A Military Story-Don’t Close Your Blinds

The other day, my nine year old son wanted to know why we were at war.

My husband looked at our son and then looked at me. My husband and I were in the Army during the Gulf War and we would be honored to serve and defend our Country again today. I knew that my husband would give him a good explanation.

My husband thought for a few minutes and then told my son to go stand in our front living room window. He said “Son, stand there and tell me what you see?”

“I see trees and cars and our neighbor’s houses.” he replied.

“OK, now I want you to pretend that our house and our yard is the United States of America and you are President Bush.”

Our son giggled and said “OK.”

“Now son, I want you to look out the window and pretend that every house and yard on this block is a different country” my husband said.

“OK Dad, I’m pretending.”

“Now I want you to stand there and look out the window and pretend you see Saddam come out of his house with his wife, he has her by the hair and is hitting her. You see her bleeding and crying. He hits her in the face, he throws her on the ground, then he starts to kick her to death. Their children run out and are afraid to stop him, they are screaming and crying, they are watching this but do nothing because they are kids and they are afraid of their father. You see all of this son… what do you do?”


“What do you do son?”

“I’d call the police, Dad.”

“OK. Pretend that the police are the United Nations and they take your call, listen to what you know and saw but they refuse to help. What do you do then?”

“Dad… but the police are supposed to help!” My son starts to whine.

“They don’t want to son, because they say that it is not their place or your place to get involved and that you should stay out of it,” my husband says.

“But Dad…he killed her!!” my son exclaims.

“I know he did…but the police tell you to stay out of it. Now I want you to look out that window and pretend you see our neighbor who you’re pretending is Saddam turn around and do the same thing to his children.”

“Daddy…he kills them?”

“Yes son, he does. What do you do?”

“Well, if the police don’t want to help, I will go and ask my next door neighbor to help me stop him.” our son says.

“Son, our next door neighbor sees what is happening and refuses to get involved as well. He refuses to open the door and help you stop him,” my husband says.

“But Dad, I NEED help!!! I can’t stop him by myself!!”

“WHAT DO YOU DO SON?” Our son starts to cry.

“OK, no one wants to help you, the man across the street saw you ask for help and saw that no one would help you stop him. He stands taller and puffs out his chest. Guess what he does next son?”

“What Daddy?”

“He walks across the street to the old ladies house and breaks down her door and drags her out, steals all her stuff and sets her house on fire and then…he kills her. He turns around and sees you standing in he window and laughs at you.




Our son is crying and he looks down and he whispers, “I’d close the blinds, Daddy.”

My husband looks at our son with tears in his eyes and asks him…”Why?”

“Because Daddy…the police are supposed to help people who needs them…and they won’t help… You always say that neighbors are supposed to HELP neighbors, but they won’t help either…they won’t help me stop him…I’m afraid…I can’t do it by myself Daddy…I can’t look out my window and just watch him do all these terrible things and…and…do nothing…so…I’m just going to close the blinds… so I can’t see what he’s doing…and I’m going to pretend that it is not happening.”

I start to cry.

My husband looks at our nine year old son standing in the window, looking pitiful and ashamed at his answers to my husband’s questions and he says…”Son”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Open the blinds because that man… he’s at your front door… “WHAT DO YOU DO?”

My son looks at his father, anger and defiance in his eyes. He balls up his small fists and looks his father square in the eyes, without hesitation he says: “I DEFEND MY HOUSE, DAD!! I’M NOT going to LET HIM HURT MOMMY OR MY SISTER, DAD!!! I’M going to FIGHT HIM, DAD, I’M going to FIGHT HIM!!!”

I see a tear roll down my husband’s cheek and he grabs our son to his chest and hugs him tight, and says… “It’s too late to fight him, he’s too strong and he’s already at YOUR front door son…you should have stopped him BEFORE he killed his wife, and his children and the old lady across the way. You have to do what’s right, even if you! have to do it alone, before it’s too late.” my husband whispers.

THAT scenario I just gave you is WHY we are at war with Iraq. When good men stand by and let evil happen son, THAT is the greatest EVIL of all. Our President is doing what is right. We, as a free nation, must understand that this war is a war of humanity.

WE must remove evil men from power so that we can continue to live in a free world where we are not afraid to look out our window so that my nine year old son won’t grow up in a world where he feels that if he just “closes” that blinds the atrocities in the world won’t affect him.


Answer #4

dam, make me feel like an as*hole. Sgt Harris, I also thank you for your service for this country. You are a brave man and I have nothing but respect for anyone in the armed forces, my brother just got back from Iraq a couple weeks ago. My opinions need no facts, they are purely speculation on what I believe will happen. The only experience I have is that I know what man I capable of, and I know it well, we have been civilized for thousands of years, but we havn’t changed much,only became smarter and more dangerous. The government may have invaded Iraq for the wrong reasons, wheather political or other. But I still feel this war will help 50 years from now if we win.

Answer #5

JIMAHL I am proud to serve and THANKS for your appreciation…and trust me I do respect those who disagree with me because I am open to all opinions, however, I kinda get annoyed with all the people who talk about whats going on w/o actually seeing whats going on…its ok to have an opinion we all do…but dont jugde and make assumptions based on what scene in the news…and please people all I ask is that we stop making this out to be an issue with a simple solution cause its not…and again if you care sooo much and want to help change then please feel free to take a trip down to your nearest recruiter and sign-up…

Answer #6

I make predictions like their in stone because its somethin im good at. you’d really be suprised, but that doesn’t help my arrogance either. You might be older, but I know the nature of man, and I’ve run possible scenerios in my mind. I see no other outcome unless we do find an alternate fuel, and I couldn’t agree with you more jimahl on that, But I do not feel we will have that scientific break through in time. If we do thats great, but I just don’t see it. And your right, we don’t have the right to invade and occupy any country, unless our lives are at stake themselves, which I believe they will be. I didn’t want us over there more than anyone else, but now that we are, we have to finish the job. Jimahl, do me a favor and re read the second statement I wrote. And if you can honestly tell me that I make no good points, and why I make no good points, I will reconsider. The purpose of a country is to protect and serve its people, no one elses. And war is often waged to do so

Answer #7

I have all the right in the world to speak on the war cause unlike most of the people on here I have actually served in the war…I spent a year in Iraq and I’ve seen whats going on…I have a valid opinion and its that this war has nothing to do with the protection of the “people” its about protecting politics…everyone wants to blame the Pres. but this war is bigger than just him…its and entire Gov. issue…and like I sd before we cant just up and leave we made our bed now young men and women have to lay in it…its sad but that is the price you pay for “freedom”…SO PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR ITS OK TO HAVE your OPINIONS BUT PLEASE GET SOME FACTS FIRST OR SPEAK FROM EXPERIANCE…IF ALL OF you CARE SO MUCH ABOUT THE WAR AND WHATS going ON THEN why THE HELL ARENT you HELPING WIT THE FIGHT

Answer #8

Piker, you make these predicitions as if they are written in stone already. There is no evidence that we will have to fight some massive war in the future. Maybe if we actually started doing something about alternative energy, we could eliminate the power that the middle east has now over the world. That is what is needed. And the US should be leading in the development of green technology, not thwarting it.

We as a country have no right to just invade, occupy, and kill the people of a sovreign nation just to take their natural resources. We never had before Iraq. If you can’t see that, then you are part of the problem, not the solution.

I will chalk it up to your youth, and hope that you can see through that type of thinking.

Answer #9

I believe oil, and Halliburton, are part of the story but not all of it. Iraq’s oil industry is now very lucrative and the country is selling its oil per barrell to us at the same price as the OPEC countries. Their government now has a sizeable budget surplus. This, despite the fact that we’ve given or “loaned” $500 million to Iraq. So we’re paying them, and then paying them some more, and they probably won’t ever pay us back.

I believe the war was fought to line the pockets of other corporations who have profited enormously from contracts they’ve gotten to provide a whole range of services in Iraq, many at the expense of our own military forces. This war is perhaps the greatest example of war profiteering in modern history. It was fought for no other reason than greed and profit.

It’s been proven that Bush and Blair had agreed on a course of action long before the results of the IAEA inspections were ever released. This war was a foregone conclusion as soon as Bush was elected to office.

Answer #10

ok, overkill with the execution, im not that sick, I even changed that part after I wrote it. but honestly, you can’t argue with what I said. I’d like to see anyone rebuttle what I said, because you all know its the truth. I don’t see how people don’t agree with me. Because its either fight this war now. Or fight a massive war years from now for oil, what would you pick. You know we would. This war is saving American lives down the road, you can’t disagree with that.

Answer #11


Answer #12

Are you suggesting that critics of the administration do not have any facts to back up their views?

The only lies being told were by Bush and Cheney, and the evidence is overwhleming. Instead of making silly posts like this, why don’t you actually discuss the issues.

Answer #13

Hey, watch this.

Homie tells it like it really is.

Answer #14

No. Of course, plenty will refuse to admit it. Even General Betrayus admitted that “economic interests” are a major reason for being there. Vague answers like that are about as close as you’ll get short of war crime and impeachment hearings.

Answer #15

Of course it was about oil. Every war ever fought in human history was about resources, whether it be food or living space.

Answer #16

It is about the tax free Halliburton reconstruction money of which over $400,000,000 has mysteriously disappeared and the lucrative contracts that go along with the reconstruction.

Answer #17

ethmer - was that just some fabricated story to try to make your point? if not, what you posted that your husband did to your 9 year old son borders on emotional abuse. can he not think of ANY other way to explain his beliefs than by reducing his son to whining and tears.

Answer #18

It is about war thats why they attacked us on 9-11

Answer #19

theundertaker…you do realize that MOST of the hijackers from 9/11 were from SAUDI ARABIA right???

And that Bush’s family has had ties to the Saudi’s for decades?

Seriously, people…watch the news (not just Fox news) but all of it. I can’t believe it happened 7 years ago & people still can’t make the connection.

Answer #20

Wrong amblessed, I said some people on this board think that.

The “What do people think?” was directed at everyone else.

Answer #21

ummm yeah ok lets get it straight Al-Queda attaked the US not Iraq…it was a silly war we got into and now we cant just pull out of it cause we are in too deep…

Answer #22

you know, I really don’t care about the Iraqi’s. We are not killing hundreads of thousands of them, they are killing themselves, and us in the proccess. im not a humanitarian, I care about the U.S boys and the U.S way of life, thats it. And weather you like it or not our boys are fighting to protect out way of life, because 50 years down the road that oil connection is going to be looking real good to us. This is what it comes down to in my head. Our society revolves around oil, take that away and theres going to be chaos, its better to fight a small war now, then fight an all out war in the future when its necessary. And don’t deny that we wouldn’t, because you know we would. Think about it man, its better to take a defensless country, than a well fortified one. Im just thinking about whats best for the U.S

Answer #23

Piker, You are a seriously disturbed person if you think it is ok to line up innocent people and execute them just so you can steal their resources. If you think that would be better for the US, you are one sick individual. If we were to take the approach you are saying, the US would no longer be the country our founders created. What you describe is the exact opposite of our way of life. So if we did that, our way of life would no longer exist to be protected. The US would become an imperialistic, totalitarian country, and I would not want to live here anymore.

You are right, you are no humanitarian. I even wonder if you are even human with comments like that…

Answer #24

So what, we’re an imperialistic nation, we pretend we’re not. Operation Iraqi Freedom, lol, ya. More like operation give me your sh*t. A war over oil just doesn’t bother me, and I’ve got family over there. we are making sure that The American people have what they need in the future to protect our way of living, isn’t that what soldiers are suppose to do, protect our way of living. wars over natural recources is the way of man, you can’t change that. weather its over a warm water port, diamonds, gold. We went after the most important recource to our nation, oil

Answer #25

sgt harris, thank you for your service. I care about war, but I don’t care for war. Especially this war, because it was started over lies and greed, and our continued presence is doing nothing but killing more of your brothers. I have plenty of facts, and would be glad to discuss them.

I respect your service and your opinon. Please respect those who disagree with yours.

Answer #26

The US has never invdaded a sovreign nation that posed no threat to us, and occupied it. You may think that is the way of man, but it has never been the way of this country.

Do you really believe protecting our way of life is more important than the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis who have been killed?

They are not protecting our way of life, they are protecting the pockets of the bushes pal in the oil industry and the saudis.

Answer #27

I actually had a professor in Political Science try to convince us that Hussein was connected to Al-Qaeda.

HOW did Hussein end up connected to 9/11? Anyone? The media. Bush and his cronies said it over and over again, the media played it over and over again, and people actually BELIEVE IT.

I wish Americans would just open their eyes and see that millions of people died at our hands. From our “leader”. For nothing.

It makes me sick.

Answer #28

yes, sgt harris, its a really brave thing to go to war, and I could never dream of it

the war is totally against the constitution and basic principles of democracy, but soldiers can’t help what the wars about, they just fight for the country.

and of course everyones opinion will be based on what the media says because most people cant be in the action of everything thats going on, and thats what gives the media power. go to more unbiased sources such as BBC and Reuters. Those will give you the closest valid sources that are unbiased. But anyways, the media works with the government and the entire government is trying to dumb down the american public so that they can not form educated opinions on the issues effecting the country. please, I really want the public to be educated and well informed, so anyone whos reading this whole forum thing, thanks, it shows you care about events. I just wish people would get the right facts. The US should hang their heads low and turn back to the isolationism of the 20’s. that’d be really nice. but I guess its too late. The war is about oil and 21st century imperialism. It saddens me to see that civilization isn’t so civil.

Answer #29

sgt harris - thank you. I am pasting an answer from a previous post. my son also served. he joined the army and went on to become an airborne ranger. he went to afganistan and then to iraq. he is against this war and has told me numerous times that it is poorly planned and executed. he feels that we should have gone into afganistan but NEVER into iraq. my son protests this war. he served at great cost. he is now disabled. he protests this war because he came to realize that we are in the wrong war. we are NOT fighting terrorists. we are in a war about oil rights. a war that has already left 4,000 dead and countless injured. he NEVER thought that he would be a pawn of his own government. my son, the disabled war veteran, believes…

iraq - no


Answer #30


I didn’t write that story, It was apparently written by By Bonnie Florea back in 2004.

Answer #31

bush is sick thats why he started the war on Iraq and of course it was about oil

Answer #32

yeah, Iraq did not attack us according to them “al queda” did so why did we invade iraq if al queda did? watch zeitgeist

Answer #33

Who attacked us on 9/11? Iraq?

I think not…

Answer #34

yikes, well that is a relief… hopefully it is a fabrication… can you imagine ANYONE putting their young child through that just to prove a point? perhaps it is not the best example to use when making your point. it comes across rather cruel and nulls your point.

Answer #35

I think most people are begining to get the right ideas about the war. I think 9-11 started it, but then people got greedy

Answer #36

“Its funny that so many people think the war had anything to do with oil at all. There is no support that conclusion at all. We sure aren’t getting any of it other than buying it at OPEC prices–not surprising since Iraq is a charter member of OPEC.”

The goal was to either have Iraq’s oil controlled by us friendly corporations, or to prevent Iraqi oil from getting into the market if we couldn’t control it.

“As has been correctly pointed out, the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. These folks were angry at us because since 1991, the US had a major presence in SA where we based our miliary forces engaged in maintaining the no-fly zones over Iraq. For years, those folks told us in many ways they wanted us out of Saudi Arabia, but we didn’t listen–these were the Clinton years during which we ineptly countered their various protests.”

About the only correct thing you say in this post. And Bush didn’t withdraw troops frrom SA until after 9/11. Can we say appeasement?

“What Bush sought to do in intervening in Iraq was eliminate the need to continue the no fly zones and get us out of SA. To do this, Saddam had be removed from power, which is what we did, allowing us to get out of SA which completely eliminated that aggression against us. Hasn’t been an attack against us since. There are other issues wrapped up in this, but that’s another debate.”

Why did saddam have to be removed? What was he doing in March 2003 that constutited any threat to us, his neighbors, or his people. What was he doing that can possible justify the million who have died in this war?

“What we didn’t realize was how aggressive Al-Quada would be in their pursuit to seize control of the country and grab its oil profits for its own use against us.

Clearly, allowing Iraq to fall into the hands of Al-Quada would not be in our national interest. The thought of OBL controlling 20% of the world’s oil supply is truly scary, indeed.”

Complete BS. AQ will not, and can not, seize control in Iraq. You obviously no nothing of the region. Do you really believe a Sunni terrorist organization is going to take over a country with a majority of Shia? AQ in Iraq is a few hundred foreign fighters. And once the US leaves, they will be driven out.

“It is also quite clear that the Iraqi government is not strong enough to fend them off by themselves yet. The time will come eventually, but until then, they really need our support.”

And as long as Bush is controling things they never will. He doesn’t want them to because he wants to have the justification to stay forever. So does McCain.

“The way you have to look at is how many lives have been saved by our efforts in Iraq–the answer is in the 100s of thousands.”

Yes, you should look at it by how many lives have been saved. In the years leading up to the war, Saddam was not routinely killing people. The whole world was watching, and he wouldn’t dare. The answer is 100s of thousands have died as a direct result of our invasion. That is a fact.

“The Iraq confiict isn’t an attempt to occupy the country or steal its resources–those have never been a part of anyone’s agenda and there isn’t any evidence that has happened. It is, more than anything else, a peacekeeping operation intended to control sectarian violence until the Iraqis can do it themselves.”

So far everything you have said has been completely wrong. I suggest you read up on the Project for a New American Century. The neocons had been planning on invading iraq long before Bush came to power. Peacekeeping? That would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

“As for the decision to engage Haliburton to handle the oil field damage and restoration of infrastructure, it was a logical choice. There are only a few companies in the world with the expertice capable of bidding on a project of this size and successfully completing the mission. All but Haliburton are foreign companies. So, those that argue Haliburton as an issue, are really saying we should have hired a foreign company to do the work. This makes very, very little sense.”

And are you an expert in such matters to determine that Halliburton was the logical choice. You see no conflict of interest with their former CEO being the VP an all? You are very naive. What we should have doen was put the Iraqis to work rebuilding THEIR country, not hiring foreign contractors at the expense of US taxpayers. That would have gone a long way to show the Iraqis we are their to help.

“Compared to all other conflicts the US has engaged, Iraq has been and will continue to be the cheapest war we’ve fought. The amount of money spent has been, relatively speaking, next to nothing. As for the loss of military lives, we’ve been lucky there too. Most of our losses are attributable to not having enough boots on the ground to prosecute the war safely. Its a lesson learned. What the sacrifice of 4000 troups means to us is we saved a lot of Iraqi citizens from needless slaughter and we prevented the loss of thousands of American civilian lives here at home had we not taken action.”

So our measure of justifiaction for war is only that it is not the most expensive one in blood and treasure? Again, please demonstrate to me how we “saved” a lot of Iraqis, or prevented the loss of any americans? You make these statements, and offer no evidence to back it up.

“It is also fair to mention that the vast majority of the money spent on Iraq has been spent here in the US and has created or preserved millions of American jobs during the economic slowdown that started during the Clinton administration. Bush inherited a failing economy and has done a great deal minimizing the losses compared to what would have happened had he not taken action. Many people simply don’t get this–that’s clear.”

Do you ever get dizzy from all the spinning you do? How is this war helping our economy at all? We are spening billions of dollars overthere, and none of it is coming back to us. If Bush did inherit an economy on a down slope, he made sure it stayed that way with deficit spending never before seen in this country.

“Every argument I’ve seen against the Iraq conflict has taken a narrow view–focusing on specific issues without an overall context. The arguments for the conflict take a broader view that embraces the whole picture. Its the big picture that really matters, taking into account all the factors and issues collectively. The con arguments appear to be mostly emotional ones leaning to the irrational, the pro arguments quite logical and obvious. For the purpose of parlor debate, I guess it just depends on the person and how they see things but you have to base international policy on sound rationale. Anything else is irresponsible. “

Your post has proved to me you know nothing of the real world, and you accept hook, line, and sinker whatever the administration tells you. Whether you look at the details or the big picture, there is no doubt this war has been the biggest forign policy blunder in US history. Bush and Cheney should be charged with war crimes.

You need to get your info from other sources rather than FOX Noise and Blimpaugh.

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