Do you think plus sized modeling is dumb?

because I do. I don’t know lately people haven been just bothering me talking about how “big is beautiful” and stupid s* like that. I mean plus sized models skip half the work, looking good enough to model and I’m tired of hearing people complain about how no one gives them a job cause their fat. People need to wake up and realize that being fat is unattractive and theres no such thing as “big-boned” its called fat. I’m ot a stick I have curves, but sizes 10+ are not “curvy”. am I the only person who thinks this way?

Answer #1

This topic is really p*ssing me off. (Excuse language) I fit into a size 14/16 in WOMANS. I will admit, I’m overweight. But not much. I’m also big-boned, and sorta muscular, PLUS: I’m just naturally not a twig. Although I wear a pretty big size, I excersize and I’m healthy. I don’t understand why you think its so wrong for plus-sized modeling. It just makes no sense at all to me. Whoever thinks plus-size modeling is wrong is shallow and RUDE.


Answer #2

no, I certainly dont agree with you sure being overweight is unhealthy but there majority of plus sized models are NOT overweight there perfectly healthy they just look overweight because the model industry is a disgusting place full of freakishly tall girls who starve themselves because they are TOLD to look anorexic so with that image being shoved in your face of course you and almost everyone else is going to think a normal healthy person who is a size 10-14 looks “fat” because the model industry is a disgusting place

Answer #3

I agree. Regular models work hard to get there bodies. Oversized people who model just have to eat and put make up on. Yeah there shouldnt be oversized models. Its unattractive, im sorry. And I dont like how people like Tyra Banks tries to get more plus sized models because tyra use to look good but now shes like fat.

Answer #4

how is it dumb? . Modeling for plus size women is empowering, it makes someone who might otherwise be self hating, feel like they actually have potential. Im size 18 and proud! Thats like saying having makeup for people of color is dumb. everyone deserves a chance to do something. I think that a size 16 woman is way more attractive than a size zero women. Besides, you can be really skinny, and still look like someone hit you with an ugly stick. Also some bigger women arent just fat, but also have “muscle”. I play soccer, basketball, tae kwon do, im healthy… just big, (btw im 5 foot 10. ) I dont think size has anything to do with attractive, rather someones ability to convey their self-love on their face.

Answer #5

Being a plus size model is more than being just a fat person in clothing. They exercise and try to keep themselves healthy. My friend is a size 22 is 5’2 and she does modeling. She is very attractive, there is not one thing ugly about her. Yes she has extra weight on her and more curves and she is nowhere near a nasty slobby fat person. She gets hit on a lot and has a great job. I think you are putting all people over a size 14 in a sterotyped category. “Bigger” girls can be beautiful. There are a lot of ugly skinny people in the world also. Fat does not equal ugly. And just to let you know a lot of people consider anything over a size 7 fat…

Answer #6

ok, well I think if a plus size model has what it takes they should be allowed into the high fashion industry, if not no. But what you have to get is plus size is what most regular people are now days, you know how it feels when all your left to buy it nurses looking clothes?

Answer #7

I love my best friend and she aint skinny. She is BEAUTIFUL! and she has extra. So if she modeled, I would looka at the pic Most of them Skinny girls I know are Average looking. And a lot of guys like her. 20 pounds + or - Beauty is Beauty

Answer #8

I know that fat doesnt mean your ugly, I never said that. Skinny doesnt equal pretty either. but I’m saying people are trying to get plus sized models into the high fashion industry, and their sizes dont exist for those brands. so what’s the point?

Answer #9

Modeling isn’t only for skinny folks. Plus size modeling was created for people who want to model, but feel that they’re too overweight to do regular modeling.

Answer #10

baseball9977 , why would you want to look at someone whos unhealthy and anorexic?

Answer #11

..What about modeling for plus-size clothes? …who else would wear them?

Answer #12

lol there shouldnt be fat models cause stretch marks are really gross and why would I wanna look at a fat girl

Answer #13

thank you runner :)

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