Do you think he still has feelings for her?

My boyfriend used to be in love with this for 5 years but she never wanted to be any more than friends, he said he gave up on her in April, now he’s going out with me she suddenly wants him to stay over hers and wants to hang around with him all the time. : / My boyfriend and I were going to a party last Friday and he said he’d meet me there because he had to do something first, and he turned up with her and even though we went off he was texting her all night, and was like hiding his texts from me when usually I watch him text like he does with me. I’m really scared because I’m in love with him and I don’t want him to break up with me because of that skanky little hoe. sorry :/

Answer #1

Just sit him down and talk to him and let him know that it bothers you and ask him what is going on. Something like this happened to me and my husband before we got together. He ended up going out with that girl for a year and then realized he didn’t want to be with her and he came back to me. So if you two do break up, hold your head up bc he may come back!!

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