Does anyone have M.E or C.F.S?

Hey have any of you got M.E. or C.F.S(Chronic Fatifue Syndrome)? If you do or have had it and have now recovered tell me your stories and how you cope/coped with it. I’ve had it for about 5/6 years now and just recently had a relapse. I am 16 and in the middle of my GCSE’s. I was a lot worse when I first got it (was in a wheelchair for 3 years and occasionally, when I got really bad, I had to be fed, couldn’t talk, couldn’t move and thought people who were whispering were shouting at me) but for some reason it’s really hitting me hard at the moment. I’m a pretty social person and, if any of you do have/have had it, I’m sure you’ll understand it’s pretty hard to have a social life and I’m just finding this really dificult. I’ve had so many people tell me or imply that I’m faking (inc. a GP and a pediatrition) and it really gets me down. I guess I kind of just want some hope from people who have recovered and to share stories and support others who have it. I want to be a doctor and I’m starting to doubt whether I will ever get there because of this stupid illness! Please funmail me or comment if you have/have had it! x

Answer #1

My Mom has Fibromayalsia which I think comes with many symptoms of CFS, and was also misdiagnosed for years.

She is on FunAdvice, you are welcome to message her:

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