Do they still teach English in Great Britain?

Why do British kids spell even worse than American kids? Substituting a letter for a word I can understand, but “wiz” and “sed”? Among other things.

Answer #1

Publik edkashun…

Answer #2

My sister says ‘lol’ out loud… very annoying…

Text/sms shorthand is understandable for text messages/sms’, but I really don’t get why you’d use it elsewhere. However it does seem to be a good indicator of someone’s intelligence or intellectual ability. Oh, and I think lex_icon meant ‘with’ and ‘wiv’ for with.

Sometimes I find it incredulous how some English people who come to live in NZ complain about how we don’t speak “The Queen’s proper English” and begin to educate us on how we should be pronouncing words. This, when back in their home country, you have people writing in text language in everyday use, and in some cases people using so much slang or local dialect words that it is impossible for someone like me to actually understand what they’re saying - it essentially becomes another language, and most certainly isn’t “The Queen’s proper English”.

But, having said that, the worst adulteration of the English language in my opinion is the “ghetto speak” coming out of America…

Answer #3

yh we all have to be taught english in england. but a lot of people use slang or txt wirtting.

Answer #4

Yes In Britain we have to do English X

Answer #5

hearing people say “LOL” in public is like hearing someone scratch their dinner plate with a fork.


I get the whole “limited to 160 characters” thing but most phones can send up to 7 pages. so on my phone you see 1 / 160, 2 / 160…and so on.. so there is room to write the whole word. I’ve used it from time to time but for the most part I try not to– I feel like I dumb myself down.

Answer #6

All I’m seeing here is an accent thing- like, I’m from New Zealand, and in text/sms messages, so many people say “wit” or “wiv” instead of “with”. But you go somewhere else where the accent and stress of vowels is different, you get different text/sms shorthand.

I can understand using the shorthand to fit what you have to say into a 160 character long message. What I don’t get is why people use it when typing messages, even in school books! Not to mention how many times I’ve actually physically heard someone say “lol” in public… grrr…

Answer #7

you’re wellcome :)

Answer #8

This is stupid, but I’m not sure what ‘lol ‘means. Any clues, please..?

Answer #9

laughing out loud = lol

Answer #10

Hurray! Thanks for the answer.

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