Are steroids a threat to athletes' health?

I know that they are able to enhance there performance which is seen as being unfare but does it actually pose a negative threat on the athletes general health? If any, what are the health risks?

Answer #1

Dear Ant, Steroids do build muscle very fast. The problem is the tendons that hold the muscle are imune to the steroid drug, the gains they create and the daily workout movements. So what happens is you get stronger and can lift more weight but the tendons become the weak link because they can’t keep up with what the muscles can do, making it very hard on your joints. They are also addicting by making you feel weak when you stop the drug. Your natural gains that would normally make you happy are not enough want that drug induced muscle and look and strength. Pro athletes (not all but a lot) use these drugs because they want to have the edge to keep their job. It is ignored by the people that run the sports etc..even though they say no to drugs. It makes these guys bigger,stronger,quicker,more explosive, more fun to watch on TV…creating more viewers…creating a higher advertising dollar for the networks…creating a higher price paid to the team owners by the networks. But altimately taking steroids is like making a deal with the devil. You get the strength now and for a few short years…Then he will collect later. Try and go it drug free..natural..I believe it will give you a longer more satisfied life of working out gaining natural strength, cardio and endurance. Good-luck!! Familycoach

Answer #2

I guess they are bad for you but look at the pro-athletes who have children with all these illnesses. Lou Garrigs disease, Autism, Spina Bifida, and many others. This is the result of people trying to be bigger than they are and they bring poor little one’s into this world to suffer because of their mistakes.

Answer #3

Heart problems, liver problems inc. cancer, increased blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, shriveled testes (reversible), breast development in men, hairiness in women, interference in fetal development during pregnancy, stunted bone growth in adolescents, acne, pre-mature baldness …

Answer #4

Yes almost any type of steroid can negitively impact anyones health including athletes Most steroids after a long usage can be the cause of heart attacks and exterme muscle growth that can cause tearing of the muscles to the point where they can not be repaired. Tearing occurs usually in the area where the athele puts the most stress on their muscles causing most athetes after steroid use to not be able to participate in that sport ever again at a competitive level.

Answer #5

Liver and kidney failure are the big ones. You can also add the increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and possible bone fractures (steroids build muscle… not bone). The end result of using steroids on a constant basis for performance enhancement is ruthless on the body. If you are already a professional athlete, then these results may not onset as quickly. Pro athletes tend to have healthier bodies for all of their constant work on their bodies.

Answer #6

Taking steriods have all the health risks that everyone has said plus it changes you as a person,my boyfreind was taking them for a while and I diunt even reconize him,he was so uptight,no patiance and very angry and also thought he was someone he wasunt,they are sooo bad!!!

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