Do the online surveys give you viruses?

Mess up your computer??? Do they give you viruses or something?

Answer #1

Possibly, but if you go into your C:/ Drive and delete the ‘system32’ folder you will be good to go! The system32 folder stores all the stuff that your computer recieves from the internet, so just delete it everytime you get off the linternnet an you’ll be safe.

Answer #2

online survey? I’d tried some kinda online survey for around 3 months, and I just got nothing! what do you expected from this thing… they offer much money in less time or something like that,, so based on my experience, I suggest you to never try it,

I never got viruses from them, what I got are only BANNERS!

Answer #3

Online surveys are on the internet solomley to get you to waste you’re money. But in some cases they can open up viruses if you click on them.., If this happens simply just run a virus scan and you will be good.

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