Do I assume we broke up?

Hey. I’m 15. My cousin set me up with this 18 yr old guy. We went out for a couple months and then my cousin told him I loved him. Well, I thought I did but I’ve always been a really shy girl. I have friends but I don’t hang out them a whole lot. Well I started dating this guy and he made me feel great. Confident and like someone finally liked me for me, but I was still shy. He asked me if I loved him. Like I said I’ve always been pretty shy, even then. I couldnt answer. I didn’t want to lie and say no but I didn’t want to say yes because I didn’t know if he felt the same way. He gave up said his supper was ready and he’d call me back later. I really liked him. It’s been 24 days and he hasnt called back and he won’t answer his phone or respond to my messages. I’ve only called twice. Once 2 days later and a couple days ago. He hasn’t actually broke up with me and I havent broke up with him but I’m really confused. Do I consider us apart or should I keep trying?

Answer #1

Since you are only 15 yo I think it is better if you do not run after this 18 yo guy. At your age shyness is not a big problem at all, it is even a nice quality. Your reaction that you did not answer his question on your love, while he did not tell you about HIS LOVE a word, was just a clear answer: “I am just a 15 yo girl and shy”. If he did understand this clear answer that is his fault and not yours. I advise you to wait for the next guy that your cousin will set up for you :)

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