Did I have a misscaraige,or was I never pregnaunt? HELP!

So I thought I was pregnaunt,but I guess Im not. I had all the symptoms and everything. But I just got my period yesterday. If I would have gotten pregnaunt on the 7th of becember, but my period was due the 17th and I got my period. Can I still be pregnaunt? My period is very heavy,and is kinda chunky (gross I know) which is strange for me, could I have had a misscariage? I don’t have health insuerence,so I can’t make a doctors appt.

Im weirded out Please Help,somebody anybody

Please Help!!!

Answer #1

thank you kittlee, and yes indeed alexboo13 is very rude. People can be so heartless and immature. Alexboo13 why don’t you grow up and learn how to have a little respect

Answer #2

wow alexboo13 is rude! she just doesnt understand it certently could have been a miscarrage, definetly I hope the best for you the only thing you can do is get as much rest as possible,

Answer #3

The whole health insurence thing is a long story. My father is in the army,therefore I have tricare health insurence. It’s very good insurence. What I mean is that I am waiting on some papers to come in the mail so that I can set up an appt. I moved from North carolina to texas,and when using military health insurence,when you move you have to set it to the new region you moved to. It’s just realy complicated. So no right now at this very second I don’t have health insurence for here in texas. But I know everything there is to know about taking care of our bodies. My mothers a nurse,my grandma’s a nurse and my aunt is a nuse aswell. I grew up knowing how important it is to take good care for yourself.

Thanks for the advice

Answer #4

I really think you should see a doctor any way you can. And if you don’t have health ins. and you are or were to get pregnant, how are you planning on making sure all goes well with that? It is your body and you need to take care of it. Some of these symptons may not just be menstrual related or pregnancy related. I would get a check up. Plus if you get a check up and nothing is wrong then you won’t be stressing yourself out, and that is not good for your health either.

Answer #5

About 2 months before I found out I was pregnant with my oldest son I had the same symptoms and the same kind of period…it was also abnormal for me. I had a “chemical pregnancy”. I did go to the doctor and he told me that nothing was wrong with me and that this happens. I know it makes you sad, I felt the same way. Just hang in there, you’ll be fine.

Good luck :)

Answer #6

It could be what’s called a “chemical pregnancy” - most women don’t even realize that they are having a miscarriage because it is exactly like a period just a little bit different. That’s what it sounds like to me. You really don’t have to go the doctor, unless you continue bleeding longer than normal. Like I said, women have them all the time and don’t even realize it.

If you are really concerned though and would like to see a doctor - you can to a healh clinic - you dont need insurance and they will bill you and it’s not that expensive.

Answer #7

No you could still not be pregnant.

Answer #8

Thank you colethky :)

Answer #9

ok is that suppose to be funny or something?

Answer #10

its weird that your leaking chunks

Answer #11


Answer #12

That is so weird though,and so flippin sad. :( I feel real bad, like did I do something wrong?

Answer #13

Oh good, I hope it all comes together for you and you find your answers.

Answer #14

No you didn’t do anything wrong.

Here’s some information:

Chemical pregnancies are unfortunately very common. 50 to 60% of first pregnancies end in miscarriage very early in pregnancy. Most occur without the woman even knowing that she was pregnant. Most chemical pregnancies are due to chromosomal problems in the developing fetus. Other possible causes are inadequate uterine lining, uterine abnormalities both congenital or acquired like fibroids, low hormone levels, luteal phase defect or certain infections. Most chemical pregnancies can not be prevented. If you have recurring chemical pregnancies, your doctor should be able to investigate and help you formulate a treatment which is best for you. Potential treatments include vitamin B6 (at least 50mg a day), progesterone cream, and baby asprin. Be sure to discuss potential treatments with your doctor.


Answer #15

I had a miscariage on Sep.20th 2008. I just took a pregnancy test just a couple days before it happened. I started flowing heavily with my period, it had chunks in it. I was having really bad cramps until I wanted to literally kill myself. My mom wanted to check out the chunks of blood and she said she needed to bring me to the hospital and they did a vaginal ultrasound and we were waiting for results and the doctor came back in and told me I was pregnant and that baby had no heartbeat and I started crying. I told my boyfriend what happened and we both were stressing out. It sucks a lot… If you did have a miscariage, I’m sorry.

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