How do you deal with an ended relationship?

i just ended a relationship of thirty two months and i need to get over him. i got rid of all of his stuff that he gave me, but i need advice on anything else to get him off my mind. please and thank you.

Answer #1

Getting rid of his stuff was a good start. Since you guys were together for a pretty long time, I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now! It’s perfectly normal and okay to cry and spend a few days in bed. Seek comfort from your friends, watch movies, and eat junk food. You need time to deal with what happened. I know it’s such a cliché, but getting over your ex will be easier with time. It took me months to get over my last boyfriend. I think it would be a good idea to pamper yourself one day by going shopping, getting a haircut, getting your nails done, etc. The best thing to do is just try & keep busy.

Answer #2

It’s gonna take time. Go out with friends, have fun! Buy some new clothes, get a new haircut, do whatever makes you feel good. All I can say is that you just need to give it time and you’ll eventually get over him.

Answer #3

I don’t understand the need people feel to get rid of things that remind them of their exes most of the time. Didn’t you have happy times together? You don’t need to forget about that. The only advice I can really give is this: Remember all the good times you had together, know that there was a reason for the relationship to end and that it was for the best, and have no regrets.

Answer #4

Your moving from a thinking pattern of “we” to an “I” and that takes time to crossover from one to the other. Start thinking of things that you would like to have done for yourself that kinda went to the wayside once you got together with him and realize your free to do them now and start doing them.

Answer #5

Only time, heals all wounds.

Answer #6

thank you so much<3

Answer #7

we did have happy times haha but when im still hurting and seeing that made me very sad and depressed so i just put them away. and thanks for the advice :)

Answer #8

thank you :]

Answer #9

okay, thank you :)

Answer #10

thank you :]

Answer #11

You will think about him, there is now way you won’t for at least 6 months. You need to accept that. I’d recommend crying, indulge your time being sad. You need to let it out. Then you can get a tub of ice cream, eat chocolate, eat french fries. And after that, I’d try something crazy like bungee jumping. You will get over him.

Answer #12

You did what you thought was correct with getting rid of his stuff, but in doing so you are trying to forget that he and you were even together. what you should do is accept that you and him were together and that you aren’t now. Acceptance is key to healing a wound. Don’t reject that you and him were ever together. Rejection of something will only harm the situation. You must accept and heal the wound that has been created. It will take time but with time will come understanding. I know what i am talking about. i have always been the dumpy and I am the happiest person around. All of that is because I don’t hate or even neglect my older relationships but accept them and allow myself to be the bigger person. Some times i’ll look back just for fun and remember the good times we had and even some of the bad. I have noticed that i may seem scorned at first but after awhile i notice the time i have spent loathing and sulking in my anger and sadness. It makes me think why am i anger and sad? just because some i know isn’t the one for me ended a relationship that would have never worked out anyway. In that thought i gain a sense of peace and i can never feel a more refined sense of happiness. I hope this helped you.

Answer #13

Last ex we had dated for over 3 years, and the trick for me was to distance myself from my ex-g/f. Which I didn’t at first. We thought we could still be friends and hang out right after the breakup, even live together still. Man that was a terrible idea right there. In hindsight if I had just split ways with her, and got everything that reminded me of her out of sight I would have been so much happier and got over her so much faster. Other than that try to keep busy. Hang out with friends. Throw yourself into work/school even if you don’t feel like it. Pickup an old hobby or a new one that doesn’t remind you of your ex. Need to buy yourself some time so the rough, raw edges of the breakup can get worn smooth. Keeping yourself busy helps the time go by faster. As they say time heals all wounds, or at least mutes them to a tolerable level :P.

Answer #14

I agree with the acceptance, but I feel at first you need to give yourself time for the wounds to scab over. Where off the rough edges. Just like when a person passes away, acceptances is the last step. Have to drag yourself through all the other steps first.

Answer #15

thank you for the advice<3

Answer #16

thank you<3

Answer #17

You’re welcome :)

Answer #18

yep i agree with you and i didnt mean that you should try to speed through this but to take your time.

Answer #19

when i wanna get over a guy i just find someone else thats 10 times better. and just stay away from them for a while until i actually get over it

Answer #20

when i wanna get over a guy i just find someone else thats 10 times better. and just stay away from them for a while until i actually get over it

Answer #21

By moving on, unless you want to try and work things out than you can but you can’t force things to get better.

Answer #22


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