Dark Brown Menstrual Blood

Hi, I’m 22 years old and have been experiencing this dark brown almost black discharge between and during periods. I have been with my fiance for 3 years and he is my only sexual partner. As a matter of fact, him and I aren’t even sexually active and haven’t been for a while. I have mentioned this issue to my doctor’s, however they act like they just blow it off and tell me there’s nothing wrong with me. I had a miscarriage about 2 and a half years ago and I’ve had issues since. I didn’t have a DNC after my miscarriage either. This didn’t bother me at first, but now it does. There’s a burning sensation when I pee at times and it feels like my vaginal wall has been cut or scratched and it burns there as well… I have no idea what it is… oh and I have a sharp pain from my right ovary and that’s been going on for about 2 months… PLEASE HELP ME!!! I’M SCARED!!!

Answer #1

consult a doc?

Answer #2

I’m going through almost the same thing. I had a molar pregnancy back in june of 2006 and ever since then I have had a severe pain on my left side. but the past 6 months the pain has increased but unlike you I had to have a dnc because I didn’t miscarry. the baby just didn’t have a heart beat and that was awful but the doctors all tell me I’m crazy too, that there is nothing wrong with me. but I know that something is going on, you can tell when its your body. well good luck to you and hopefully you will find a dr. thats willing to actually listen

Answer #3

could be a scyst on you ovaries..when they drain its dark brown blood. You will get pain on your ovaries or ovarie where the sycst is. Scysts are very normal for women but when they become consistant you have it checked out.

I would definately change dr.s

Answer #4

I have a similar situation.Had a D&C after I was detected with Molar pregnancy in oct 2008 and ever since I’ve been experiencing sharp lower abdominal pain and dark brown menstrual blood.I don’t know if I need a follow up since my Hcg levels were back to normal 4 weeks after my surgery but these painful periods make me wonder if something else might be wrong.

Answer #5

have you either of you ladies been tested for endometriosis, I had this for six years until, I got tired of asking same old stupid gyno about my symptons and all I kept getting was its in you head, and let me give you some pain and aintinflamatories for you pain at the time of your monthly… this helped but I couldnt have a life those 5-7 days. symtoms were pain on my sides, like my tubes or ovaries, light to heavy bleeding, pinkish to brown and dark brown periods, every month same or worse pains… so I found a specialist on endometriosis I did research on line… and I am not better and control the pain but have semi normal periods.

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