How can I tell if my cut is infected? I'll post a pic of it in case it helps.

This happened to my knee two days ago when I fell rollerblading. It stings pretty much constantly and when I take bandages off it still looks like it might be bleeding or something because the bandage has yellow and pink fluid on it. It bled a LOT when it first happened and I washed it as soon as possible and have been applying antibiotic ointment to it since. It just doesn’t seem to be healing. &just so you know, the dark stuff on my leg is glue from my bandages haha

Answer #1

does it have a temperature? Is there red lines coming from the wound? If not it probably isn’t infected, keep putting the ointment on it and try and keep it clean, try running some peroxide over it as well as that will get some deep in dirt out. Good luck to you

Answer #2

Let the air hit it some, dont keep it wrapped up all the time and give it a break from the ointment. It doesnt look infected at all. You’ve just got to let your body do the healing, it needs some air to breathe.

Answer #3

Also, the yellow fluid is from the ointment, believe me, you dont need that crap, the pink fluid is a little blood that the ointment took out.

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