
Im Thinking About Getting My Hair Permo Curly As I Like My Hair Curly.But Is It Hard To Look After And Does It Damage Your Hair ? Please Help :) Thankkz

Answer #1

I wouldn’t recommend getting a perm because my cousin got one and it gets pretty frizzy a lot so she constantly has her entire head full of gel. If you want, you could try what I do. have super straight azn hair and I love it curled from top to bottom perm-like so what I do is spray it lightly with styling srpay then comb it through and part my hair from top to bottom zizzaged then friend braid it seme tightly and leave it overnight. When I wake up I just add mouse and spray it lightly with hairspray and I personally like it cause it’s easy to manage and it does not damage my hair and it’s not permanent so I wouln’t have to worry bout straightening it when I want it straight like you would have to if you got a perm. Hope this helps

Answer #2

I have permed my hair a few times and I really liked it. For the first week or two depending on how much curl you got it could be a little harder to maintain but after a week its great, just wet it, put in some gel and your good to go. It will damage your a hair a little bit but not that much.

Answer #3

It will look good and everything and is a lovely change but im afraid it will damage your hair slightly, just like straightners the more yhu use them the worse damage is done, although I am sure getting it curly wont damage it as much. My advice is that if yhu have it done after when yhu wash your hair use a rich condictioner and leave on your hair to soak. The more you curl it the more damage it will get, so stock up on thick conditioners and also I recommend using V05 “hot oil” once a month. Although its good to use these products as they will leave your hair in tip top condition and silky always make sure you rinse yer hair really thoughrly to get all conditioner owt and only use a really deep conditioner about once a week as an overload could leave your hair becoming greasy and too much product in it.

LOL sorri bowt writin so much… hope it helps, I think it will look great, go for it

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