Cry for help...

Have you ever felt like theres no one you can go to for advice or to just share your feelings with and you just hold it all in?? Well I’ve been feeling that for quite some time now and I cant go to my mom because she’s always yelling at me for no apparent reason or my brother because he’s always mad at me and I lost touch with my friends about a year ago. I feel like I have to get it all out of me because I just sit in my room and cry…

Please help me!!!

Answer #1

Sorry to hear that, em.. why don’t you make a fresh start? take up a hobby or get some new friends these are all I got, hopes it helps.

Answer #2

Your name is teenmommy, so I’m assuming you are either pregnant or have a child already.

Honestly, what you are going through is normal. This is what we try and warn young teens about when they want to get pregnant. You have a child, your friends all leave because you can’t hang out all the time and party anymore. You lose touch with everyone that you used to be close with. It happens. Also, about your mother. I’m sure she is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that her baby, has a baby. That could be were a lot of her anger comes from. You have to remember that she did her job and raised you - she did no voluteer to raise your child as well. I’m sure the stress of it all is getting to her. You have to find someone you can talk to though to get it all out. Whether it’s a cousler, pin pal, friend, family member, etc. You can even talk to your baby. I talk to my son all the time, he has no clue what I’m talking about, but he likes that I talk to him.

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