Could I have ovulated during my period?

Ugh! Where do I start. I got my period on 9-3-08 and it lasted until 9-7-08 my periods are usually heavy flow with horrible cramps. Me and my boyfriend always have unprotected sex. Cause it just dosent work for us with condoms. Dumb? Yes I know. Anyway I had sex on 9-16-08 which would be one of my “fertile” days and I was scared I was pregnant so I took a pregnancy test about a week later and it was negative. My “period” came on 10-3-08 but it was pinkish at wasn’t heavy at all and I had little to no cramping at all. (my period lasts 5 days) we had sex on the 2nd day of my period and he came inside me. Cause I didn’t think you could get pregnant on your period. Then we had sex again on the fourth day, he came inside me again, but I stopped bleeding until the next afternoon. Then on the 5th day we did it again and he came inside of me. Now I have this brown mucousy (I know I can’t spell) discharge. Could you have implantion bleeding after your period? Like im so confused. I’ve been having headaches for the past 3 weeks. Feeling fatigue and gassy. I have no clue as to when I ovulate. Which is no good. Anyways all together I’ve taken 3 preg tests..and all have been negative. How long should I wait to take another? I’ve also been extremly moody and hot. I know its bad to have unsafe sex but its my life and my decisions I just need some advice. No lectures. Thanks. -a.l oh and I know last month I got my period on the 3rd and this month too..but its not always like that.. It changes a lot.

Answer #1

If it’s ‘your life and your decisions’, at least be more wiser with your decisions. Don’t have sex if you don’t know anything about birth control, protection, STDs/STIs and pregnancy.

You can get pregnant when you have unprotected sex at any time of the month. A woman’s ovulation cycle is actually not that predictable, and you can even ovulate a few times a month.

If your period this month isn’t as heavy like usual, it could be implantation bleeding (it can last a few days) and not your period. Depending on the brand of your home pregnancy test, it is more effective on certain times taken after your supposed period date. Some can be taken the day after, but some 5-7 days or longer. Read the instructions that come with your test kit.

I could be nothing, and the brown discharge is normal at the end of your period because old blood is brown in color. Sex helps shorten your period because it helps loosen up the tissues that usually sheds during menstruation.

If you still don’t feel well in a week even if your home pregnancy test is a negative, go see a doctor. While you’re there, get the doctor to prescribe you some birth control pills.

Answer #2

I’ve come up with a theory for myself. Seeing as im only 17 and my body is not yet fully into the groove of the menstrual cycle. I’ve always had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. Even during my most fertile days. He pulls out..but I know there is still a risk of pregnancy. I think that since I don’t get pregnant during that time. That I might actually ovulate earlier than I think.

Answer #3

Yeah I do know about Std’s and everything. I just wanted to hear other peoples opinions. I know for a fact my boyfriend is clean. And I know I am to. I get tested atleast every 2 months. Im just really confused and I want to know what’s going on because I drink..and I haven’t because I don’t know if im pregnant or not. The headaches are so damn annoying. Why must the womans reproductive system be so damn confusing >_< and tricky might I add.

Answer #4

when you have sex on your period you dont ovulate at all the after myth after you period is brown and mucusy

Answer #5

That is really a dumb thing to think that your body isn’t in the “groove” of things yet. Honey, your body was ready to get pregneant the first time you started your period. You have just been lucky so far.

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