Could I be pregnant still?

Mmk.. Februaury 17th, I had unprotected sex, my period was supposed to have came February12th, but didnt, but it did come feb 19th, for the regular amount of time, but I had unprotected sex again March 24th, and was supposed to have my period march 27th, and havent, is it possible for me to have became pregnant from the first time I had sex, in februaury, even though I had my period, like maybe my body didnt have time to react to me being prgnant yet..

Answer #1

Stephanie has some great advice, educate yourself, for goodness sake USE PROTECTION! why is it so hard for people to understand this!!! This whole subject just really gets on my nerves…

Answer #2

its possible, but since you got your period the first time,I doubt that you r but the amount f itme for your period to come is 17-60 days so you might get it soon, or not for a while but I think youll be ok

Answer #3

Yes, it’s highly possible. A lot of women experience light bleeding in early pregnancy but I had a couple of friends who had their regular period, some people disagree and say it’s impossible but evidently it isn’t. I wouldn’t be sure you’re pregnant though, it sounds like you have been stressing which could make your period late like this. Go buy a pregnancy test, it would be accurate, a blood test from the doctor would be even better. If it’s negative and you still don’t get your period, wait a week and test again.

Because you had unprotected sex I suggest you get tested for STD’s as well. I also suggest if you aren’t pregnant that you get on birth control, buy some condoms… educate yourself about sex because you’re doing a pretty crappy job at it.

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