How can I get some control back in my relationship?

Soi got married about a year ago, and when we moved in together he basically claimed all my stuff as his own. he took my external hard drive and modified my wii without telling me (which i didnt want him to do) and now i don’t know how to use it and he never plays it. he started getting really pissed off when i tried to get it back to store all of my pictures on (I have over 25G of pics that need a home away from my 250G hard drive on my laptop) He also tends to push me out of the way when im trying to use something (like my .22) or do something he wants to do. I cook and clean and take care of the dog 100% unless i sit there and nag at him for hours to do it. the most hes ever done is unload the dishwasher and take the dog out to do her business. Right now im in between jobs so i can see myself doing most of the cleaning but i still feel as if i shouldn’t be totally picking up after him like this. When he is home all he does is play video games on the 1200 computer he just bought (against my advice) and put on our credit card, or telling me hes hungry. its gotten to the point where its affecting our sexual life as well. he pays absolutely no attention to me unless he wants sex or food, and he seems to think its my duty to give it to him every night, even if i’m not in the mood. Hes totally inconsiderate to my feelings and covers up his mistakes with jokes and laughter and short bursts of affection which piss me off more than calm me down. occasionally he finds it necessary to cuddle for a few minutes, but most of the time when this happens hes absorbed into the tv, so its not like i can try to talk to him. I would like to see him be more involved with home, because until he can show some responsibility i don’t want to have kids with him, i mean all a kid would be is another burden on me. I might as well be raising the kid by myself. I am into video gaming as well, but he doesnt play two player games, and the one that we both got into he doesnt play anymore because he has about 100 other games to play. i feel neglected. ive tried everything i can think of to get him to a)help out even a little bit and b) actually pay actual attention to me at night, not just sex. nothing works.

Answer #1

have you tried talking to him about this? a lot of men are like that, but they tend to change after taking to them. my fiance didnt make me his priority, but i talked to him about it, i didnt shou,t i didnt yell and i was not angry at all. one night when we were on the phone, calmly i talked to him and told him how i felt, i was surprised when he started paying much more attention to me and my needs, try it you have nothing to lose

Answer #2

Yea I have. A few times. I feel like taking all the cords away from his computer and xbox. I have to treat him like a child most of the time to get anything through. Talking only works for a little while. He does pay attention to me for a day or two but then goes right back to the old routine. And if I bring it up again he just calls me needy and brushes it off.

Answer #3

if treating him like a child will get you the results that you need, then you lock up his games and xbox, and tell him when i see change in you, then you can have them back. a friend of my sister was dealing with the same thing, execpt hers was worse, her husband,s phone would ring in the middle of the night and he would say something like “ i dont know this number” but it rang every night at around the same time, so one day she woke up in the middle of the night took out his sim card and tore it into pieces. so sometimes you need to do something like this in order to see some change, so i would encourage you to be a lil mean and take away his xbox.

Answer #4

He gets really super pissy when I do that. Takes me on the whole guilt trip thing with the “ I work hard all day and I just want to relax when I get home” or “ you don’t work so keeping this place clean is your job”and when I bring up him not paying attention to me he always comes back with a bunch of nonsence about how he feels like he does and to stop being so needy.

Answer #5

I think you’re with the wrong man. You can try counseling just so you can say “I tried to fix it”, but I do not think you will ever be happy with him since he is never going to change. I’m guessing he has always been this way ever since you met him. The next time you go looking for a man look for all those bad signs and run away when you see them. In general … there’s no fixing a man. You have to find one the way you want him. Good luck.

Answer #6

you have to train him lol. Girls have been training us guys for years. Use sex to control him. It’s the time tested method.

Answer #7

counseling could work, or do what i would do which probably isnt something you might want to do just a warning. my grandma threatens to beat my grandfather with the pan if he doenst do something she wants him to do. not doing things he should help out with such as doing the dishes, his laundry, and cooking him his food then once he gets mad at you for not doing it my grandmother usaully yells at my grandfather to do it if he doesn’t like the way she does things. you could leave him for awhile a week, a month who knows and just go to the spa. you could also tell him that things aren’t working and you’re sick of it and that you’re gonna leave him and if things you kidding then actually leave and take the dog with you or throw all of is crap outside. oh! you could also sale one important item of his every week. no i’m kidding its not gonna work. he really isnt worth your time unless you’re taking revenge on him.

Answer #8

buy a gun point it at him with a really big knife

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