What considerations are made when creating an environment for emergent literacy?

Answer #1

You’re speaking about children and the classroom correct? Well a literature and writing rich enviorment means that everything is labled, tables, radio, sink, chair, etc. so the children can see that words represnet things, letters together represent words, and letters mkes different types of sounds. Create library area with plenty of age appropriate books. Have a writing center for the children with plenty of paper like construction paper, notepads, newspaper, computer paper, poster board (cut into smaller pieces). Provide many writing tools in that center as well like crayons, markers, pencils, pens, erasers, chalk, etc. Write the children;s names everyhere possible, name tags for chairs/carpet seats/cubbies/pencil boxes/behavior charts/job charts/bathroom charts, etc. If you write anything at all make sure its a model for how the children to write (most teachers use zaner bloser method). If you have any other questions out child development and/or education you can message me and I can give you a detailed answer.

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