How to become more mature?

I wan’t to be more mature.. but its real hard. I mean im almost 14 and I still jump around and play like im 8.

Answer #1

There is entirely to much emphasis put into growing up. Enjoy yourself now! There is plenty of time left in your life to be serious. Have fun! I wish I had had more fun and not gorwn up so early.

If you are dead set on being more mature then follow stephanie’s advice.

Answer #2

Theres nothing wrong with jumping around and having fun. You just need to know how to be mature when you need to be.

  1. Take responsibility for your actions. If you screw up, don’t lie about it or pass on the blame to someone else. Admit your mistake, apologize, and ask what you can do to correct the situation and/or make things right. Remember what happened so you don’t make the same mistake again.
  2. Get a job or work towards getting one (Education). Have a plan so your parents don’t support you indefinitely.
  3. When you get a job, be grateful for it, work hard, follow the rules of the company as best you can, and don’t whine or complain about your duties, treatment, or pay.
  4. Watch the news on a large news outlet. Know a little about politics and current events.
  5. Read your local newspaper – and not just the sports or lifestyle section. Or subscribe to a respectable news magazine like Time or Newsweek.
  6. Accept the fact that most adults actually might know what they are talking about - and you can even learn something from the ones who don’t.
  7. Get mentors. Make friends with responsible adults (not necessarily family members) who are older than you. Ask for their advice on things – and LISTEN to the advice you’re given.
  8. Think about where you want your life to be in five years (university education, high-paying job, spouse, condo, nice car, etc.). Write it down. Then make a plan about how you will get there.
  9. Avoid alcohol. It’s illegal for you now anyway (in America, that is), and “mature” is not the first adjective that most people will think of if they see you drunk with a lampshade on your head.
  10. Start saving money if you haven’t yet. Putting part of your paycheck into your savings account is going to be useful down the road when you want a house or car.
  11. Begin building a credit history. Get a gas station credit card or take out a loan. Make your payments on time, and it will be easier to get approval for large purchases in a few years.
  12. Know that you cannot control other people so try not to think too much or care about what others (especially strangers) think of you.
  13. Respect your parents (or your guardian). They are the people who will be there most likely when you need help.
* You can still have fun without acting like a child.
* You can still be an adult without having to be serious all the time, don't forget that you can still have some fun, you just have to know where do draw the line.
* Don't intentionally provoke arguments, or try to show off how much you know. Humility and kindness are two of the biggest benchmarks of maturity.
Answer #3

Oh god your still a kid. Enjoy it before you have to be grown up. Kids these days are forced too young to act like adults. Its rediculous. My 13yr old still loves her polly pockets and you know what I encourage it because it means she is still young for a while. Just because you have a birthday which means your a bit more grown up does not mean you have to ditch the jumping up and down for lipstick adn high heels. Find kids who are interested in things you are interested in and enjoy being young for as long as you like. Before you know it your 32 like me lol and I still enjoy doing kids stuff its fun but im old and only wish I had have stayed young for a bit longer. xx

Answer #4

I am 33 now… I still do the 8 year old jumping around at times. You just need to pick your times to let your hair down. Having a wife that nags you about your maturity also helps keep things in perspective. ;)

Answer #5

I love how you can say this and you dont care.. its really good that you do this and you and your friends should for as long as you can. the one thing I wish adults would have told me when I was a kid is that…When you ‘grow up’ you can be anything you wanne be…EXCEPT a kid again. you cant never be as young as you are now so believe me enjoy it while it lasts seriously

Answer #6

yep, enjoy it while it lasts theres no rush… im 18, and I still act like a kid and jump around, and ill be doing it till im well over 50! but thats me if you feel like its time for you to grow up, theres nothing wrong with that… but theres no rush

Answer #7

Well, stephanie gave you a lot of good advice already. I just want to say:

Don’t forget to enjoy it while you can because, before you can turn around, you’ll be 54, like me, wondering where the time went.

When you get older, you get to revert back to childhood, only this time, you can’t do all the fun things you’re doing now, like jumping around and playing like you are 8 years. old because your bones start to get brittle. Your memory goes and you can’t get around as good as you used to.

And, Unless youn have alresdy, don’t ever shave your eyebrows.

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