Complete sedation?

I’m absolutely TERRIFIED of the dentist. No matter how much I brush & floss I always have cavities. I hate the sound of the drills. Regardless of how much they numb my mouth I can still feel it. So, my question is, is there any dentist that completely puts you out, like with anesthesia? Haha, I’m 16. It’s really sad that I’m that scared of the dentist, but I can’t help it. Any help?

Answer #1

im in uk, I dont know where you are but I have to go to hospital for anything more than a checkup beacause I am that scared, you get an I’ve injection and you can ask to go to sleep first and they leave you to go to sleep then do it, it is the closest thing there is.

Answer #2

its like illegal to put somebody completely out. I was horribly terrified of the dentist too, but if you just warn them ahead of time that you’re really scared, they’re going to be nice to you, treat you nice and operate on you nice. if you don’t think about feeling the sensation of getting your tooth filled or pulled, you won’t really feel it. try listening to a song you like before you go in, and sing it to yourself while they’re operating. hope this helped dear.

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