Who can help me become a little more comfortable with the dentist?

Im like really scared.I have a dentist appt this thurs.And im scared if they tell me i have cavities.Or im scared if like what if they do they x-rays and it hurts.Or what happens if i get a filling and it hurts.Im really scared of pain because of past experiences.An abcess.December 2009.

Answer #1

Try telling the dentist that you are nevous… Also try doing research on xrays they do and ask alot of questions while u are there or even call them up and ask them… hope this helps

Answer #2

Just know that your dentist will do what he can to ease the pain, and often, when they know that the pain will be great, they will numb you. X-rays do not hurt, no need to worry about that. And know that, if you did have a cavity, it is much better to get it treated sooner. The deeper the cavity goes the more it hurts. When I got a cavity, I had it tested right away, and all I felt was a little tickle. And think, if you leave it longer, the worst it will get, the more pain.

Answer #3

*tested =treated

Answer #4

X-rays don’t hurt, I’ve spent all of my teenage life and half of my childhood dealing with my teeth. It doesn’t hurt, it’s kinda fun to me :)

Answer #5

I was very scared too, but then I realized it didn’t hurt, so there’s no reason to be nervous. The only part that hurts is when they stick the needle in, but that really doesn’t hurt too much. My dentist is annoying lol he always sings WHILE he’s filling my teeth >.< He jokes alot, which makes me feel more comfortable. Don’t be nervous though, really(:

Answer #6

That sounds really funny. LOL Sorry……

Answer #7

Take good care of your teeth and you’ll have less to worry about for starters. Why would an x-ray hurt? That’s a silly notion, don’t worry about that. If you have a cavity to get filled, you have a cavity to get filled, also doesn’t hurt that badly. You’ll survive.

Answer #8

Look up EFT - Emotional Freedom Therapy. It’s a technique you can do on yourself to help you with all kinds of things, including your fear of going to the dentist.

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