How do you know that we all see the same colours?

How do you know that your purple isn’t my yellow, my blue your red? We just learned to associate what we saw with a certain name, it could all be different, couldn’t it? Random question, I know. I just want to see what people have to say to this. I’ve seen a lot of discussion on it so I figured I’d bring it here. What say you?

Answer #1

There’s no way to know :]

Answer #2

HOLY CRAP! I used to think about this all the time when I was little. There is absolutely no way we could ever tell, i’ve always been interested how others see the world, cause to them they could have purple trees and that would be totally normal and no one would ever know the difference.

Answer #3

I have thought about this before too! I guess we all see colours a bit differently anyway but we do all see the same colours because if I said to you ‘orange is like a less brighter red mixed with a bit of yellow’ you would know what I mean because we both know what red, orange and yellow is. What I said wouldn’t make sense if your yellow was blue and I thought red was green…? If I’m making sense? haha

Answer #4

I think if you described a colour with other colours, it would still make sense to the way they see colours… if that makes sense

Answer #5

I like this answer, haha, but I don’t think it proves it completely wrong. I’m trying to wrap my head around it XD Could the other person’s red and yellow not still mix to orange? Maybe if we flipped the whole colour wheel somehow…

Answer #6

What if your yellow are red were my red and blue and your orange were my purple. We would never know, cause if we all saw different colors we’d never be able to explain the colors with different colors cause they’d still all be different anyways. This is a hard thing to explain

Answer #7

…I don’t think anything on this thread makes sense lol I’m so confused >.< !

Answer #8

Yeah, kind of like what arezeus said. I just can’t figure out how to detail it without having colours everywhere confusing people.

Answer #9

I love questions like this ^_^

Answer #10

I think we all see everything in this world differently through our eyes… that is why what seems weird to one may be beautiful to another…its the most amazing thing in the world! Its what makes art so creative…for if you look at a particular piece, no matter who painted/drew it or the shape it was intended to be, we may all see it in a different light! I think the basic color stays the same…as purple is purple might be a hint lighter or darker depending on how you view it & how much light there may be on it from where you may be standing, but it may seem like something entirely different! too scientific to explain with the combo of the brain & the messages that it sends to & from your eyes!

To make a long story short…where one may have painted a woman laying on a bed another can see an entirely different picture…fascinating…creative…amazingly perfect, yet not to the naked eye! :P

Answer #11

Wait tell me if I’m wrong? Don’t we all see the same colors .maybe diffrent shades. But you know how, let’s say. There’s a blue cup, everyone says it’s a blue cup. Right??no really am I right?

Answer #12

I thought of this and i’ve thought about whether or not we all see things the same way in general. This reminds me of an Ozzy song. “If you could be inside my head, You’d see that black and white is red.”-Flying High Again

Answer #13

weird, i just had the same convo yesterday.

Answer #14

Woman can actually see more color then men, if a man looks at indigo, he sees only the basic color, but a woman can tell every color (if she knows them)

Answer #15

Yeah but what we are confused about is that if you grew up thinking the colour ‘blue’ was actually purple, you’d never know……

Answer #16

thinking about this make my head hurt!!

Answer #17

I always thought about this too, I had no idea other people did as well!

Answer #18

Ohh. Wow! Haha I’ve never thought about that

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