What should I do for my poster?

Ok well I’ve got this assignment to do by next wednesday. I’ve got to make a poster that can help teach an 8-10 year old who has a special need somthing like reading or maths or anything like that. I’ve chosen to do a child who is visualy impared but I cant think of what to make .. Any ideas ???

Answer #1

if you teach them maths, maybe have textile numbers, like a number two cutt out in fluffy matierial, and use different textile matieriels


Answer #2

why dont you do maths and write bubble numbers of the number and how to spell it and draw eyes and that on them and make it colourful that would look good (: xxp s dot

Answer #3

if they are visually impared me creative and design the poster with using the other senses such as differnt textures like, bright colours bumps, cotton wool, felt, for certain numbers, or if your telling a story about sheep or something use the cotton wool in the book, so they can visulise themselves. get what I mean? be different with it! Hope that helped!

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