What should I put in poster about heroism?

i got a summer holiday project by the most strict teacher alive that i have to make a poster on heroism. what should i make in that?

Answer #1

spiderman. the guy

Answer #2

A fist :) and a picture of your mom…nothing more brave than mothers.

Answer #3

It might help if you went to this site - http://funadvice.com/r/156li9me4dj - You could get some inspiration and your ‘strict’ teacher would be suitably impressed.

Answer #5

Broken link honey. You put a dot com… but tha site is at dot org dot uk. http://funadvice.com/r/156lo7e5ed9

Answer #6


Answer #7

not brave but heroism

Answer #8

you cant be a heroo unless youre brave

Answer #9

Maybe others thoughts of what they think a hero is, what a hero should do .. Etc . Stereotypical views of heros, real life heros .. Stuff like that

Answer #10

superman or the iron man

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