is it really really hard to get into college

is it really really hard to get into college.. scale of 1-10//

Answer #1

every site you read makes all students sound like they are all the cream at the top with near or perfect sat,act ap,ib,gps please what a joke most public schools in New york are the worst the teachers suck but they do teach to the test that’s not teaching material just memorizing kids are dumber than ever but yet they take ap classes I don’t get it it’s all false to me I think that if you are willing and able to pay and your parents are in high profile positons you will get in no matter what.when you see that the sat scores go down every year and kids need more and more remideal classes in colleges what does that tell you? yet everyone you talk to or when you look at very selective colleges like W&L,U OF Rich,Duke ect they have 14% admission rate what is that some do admit that they give admission to all legacy kids so that leaves little room for the rest but if great schools no ivys take only the very best where does that leave a good student with a 90 average and avg sat scores at the crap colleges with slackers that are pushed to go by mom & dad and all they do is waste money & time all they do is sex,drugs & rock & roll flunk out good for the schools but bad for the student who wants to be surounded by quality like at the very selective schools there should be very selective colleges for the serious but above avg kids too.

Answer #2

depends, I’m 16 and in college. 3/10

Answer #3

It’s as hard as you make it. If you try your hardest to learn as much as you can in school and get good grades, you’ll be able to get into the college you want. You just have to do your work and do your best :) I’d says on a scale it’s 50/50.


Answer #4

The harder Ivy league schools are extremely difficult but, community colleges take anyone who applies so it really depends what kind of school you are applying to.

Answer #5

HaHa, a common misconception. It’s not difficult to get into college - for the most part, unless you’re applying to a university or college with high expectations or with more than twice the applicants as it has room to admit. Anyway, the hard part is not necessarily getting into college as it is paying for it - THOUGH, there are plenty of schools that are tough to get into. It really depends a lot on your performance and CLASS ranking. You can make all As and be in the second quarter at one school, but a student who makes mostly Bs and some As could have a better chance of getting in if they’re the valedictorian at their school (applies mostly in Texas with the “Top 10% Rule”).

Best of luck!

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