Clueless with this one

We met one month ago, we are both single (mid aged) parents with carreers and lives with our children… problem: We have great chemistry and connection, but he doesn’t want to have sex until about 3 months from now… We ONLY cuddle… WTF?!

Answer #1

The reason that he might not what to have an early sexual relationship might be because he don’t want to keep giving his body away to women, and the relationship doesn’t last. sometimes also people change after sex and things becomes more difficult, maybe there’s another women that he might be seeing and your just his friend, or maybe he’s not sure of what he wants, or maybe he want to take an std’s test before having sex. all that I’m trying to say is that there are a lot of reason why he might not want sex,and I think that for what ever the issue might be he’s being responsible…just ask him,..why are you not interested in sex untill 3 months into the relationship?

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