clubin and its darkside

ok so went to a club just got back my girlfriend got mad at me 4 no freaken reason I nee someone to tell me why the hell that happened please

Answer #1

All’s about inevitable jealousy.. first of all, hangin out with friends without your girl would probably cause you good or bad.. she might’ve thought you flirtin with someone she never know or you might’ve done somethin and hide it from her.. your girlfriend’s not a dumb and numb not to feel jealous or bad about you hangin out with friends she’s unsure who they are that time..

Answer #2

Did she have too much to drink? Maybe she didn’t know what she was saying and she was just letting out some bottled up emotion? If not, then maybe you did something unintentionally that hurt her that you didn’t notice you were doing at the time. It could be anything. Talk to her about it.

Answer #3

well I was drinking and dancing and having fun but I think I know why there was this girl that keept talking to me but thnxs 4 the help girls:)

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