Class Action Lawsuit?

I received a letter in the mail saying that I may be a part of a class action lawsuit. I read the paper and it says that if I would like to receive any money, all I have to do it wait. I want to know if I am going to receive any money at all. Is there anyone that can help me with legal advice?

Answer #1

Whats going on? anybody get a check yet?

Answer #2

I recieved this letter also but I dont think it will be much money

Answer #3

If the check were indeed mailed out on the 4th, why hasn’t anyone received one yet???

Answer #4

I got the same letter, everything looks legit, I wonder how much were getting =)

Answer #5

I don’t know if I wud trust it I think you shud just look further into it

Answer #7

I’m 100% sure that it is legit. I had applied for a job at Wal-Mart in 2007 and got denied a job because I have a criminal background. This is the website for the lawsuit.

Answer #8

I called again today and they say they still do have any anewers

Answer #9

that sounds like some real BS because these two guys used all of us to make there case look good and all we get is 75 bucks this is a rip-off and you know what they will say that we had a chance to get out and sue for our selfs but they said nothing about if you stay in the class you will only get 75 bucks I think they should think about what if all of the class members would have gotten out they would have never had there own case herd in the court they would have only got about 10,000 apeice but now look these guy have turned into the NEW CHOICE POINT INC!!!

Answer #10

yeah the lawyers get over 2 million and the litigants get 75 dollars each aint that the american way

Answer #11

I also got this letter, they are saying that the money is gonna be one big check and nobody no how much it is today is july 17th also I think were gonna have way more money then chump change you will have to call back the week of july 20th to see what were getting

Answer #12

Yep I got the letter to after I tried to get rehired with walmart due to quitting to find a better job when my girlfreind was pregnant I worked for walmart for almost 7 years I was like there pet I transfered to richmond , va and benton Ar, and jacksonville, AR and when they need me to help with remodeling the store around the district I did they also sent me to lusiana after katrina hit to help out the stores there and the day that I quit they told me that I could come back anytime that I was rehireable boy was that a laugh they told me no cause of a back ground check and that hapend 2 years before they hired me WALMART SUCKS!!!

Answer #13

I only know that my roommate had an interview, was told that even with his criminal past he would get the job with Target, but then some workforce people got involved and the next thing he knew he got a nasty letter from Target and no job. He got the letter that y’all got and he asked me to check the website. I tried to go there but only got two hits and one was this site. So I am posting this and wondering if anyone has any real and pertinent data…

Answer #14

I got a check in the mail for $50.04 I was hired at target and when I went to orientation they told me my background check hadnt gone thru that was embarassing then I get a letter that were sorry blah blah blah and I wasnt hired and I had bought uniform already . . so has anyone cashed in the check?

Answer #15

Istaed of taking a check that would ultimatly be spent in gas a date and probaly some other things I shouldnt mention what about investing it all on something we all could benefit from .think about it 6.89 million that a lot of real-estate and potential.anybody have any ideals contact me

Answer #16

omigosh there is nothing worse than waiting,,,to know how much,,,when do we get it? I don’t understand why they have a call center but no info. What are those people doing? today is Aug. 5, anyone heard anything?

Answer #17

Dito that..they told me the same thing today..

Answer #18

Isn’t that a load of crap. I drove 35 miles one way twice for two different interviews, then 40 miles to take a urine test, signed a job offer and found out two weeks later that due to a background check they couldn’t hire me. $75 doesn’t even cover the gas for all of that. Oh, boy they really did something for us, didn’t they?

Answer #19

its the 24 and I still havent got my check

Answer #20

Called the 888# today at 11:52 am California time. I was told that the checks were mailed today, but that the amount was still unknown to the customer service reps.

Okay…so, with snail mail… Hopefully before the weekend!

Answer #21

I looked at all of the wording in the settlement too. I think we all havesen those technical terms & such. It looks like mumble jumble too. Seriously, for those that are getting moeny back, it seems we are getting back only about fifty to sixty bucks.

I had called the “888” number also; I heard from the associate (not a real attorney) that sometime in August we will get something back. Hope it’s not a gift card!

Answer #22

I got the same letter back in January.I’m wondering how much we’re getting?

Answer #23


Answer #24

hey has anyone called today I broke my cell phone so I cant call some one keep me up to date.

Answer #25


Answer #26

My husband also got this letter. He was also denied a job because of his criminal background. Does anyone else have anymore info on this? Does anyone know how many letters they sent out?

Answer #27

I’m not going to cash my check and I’m going to sue them myself. The 50$ does not even cover the costs of the target uniform I had to buy.

Answer #28

I’m on the phone now with the lady and she told me there are 2 groups of checks A {WALMART} and B {TARGET} with a total of 130,000 people. and they wont have a amount until monday. choice point is given 120,000 people $25 and walmat will give 74,000 $54. thats all she knew, and she had to dig deep for that info

Answer #29

no problem I’m just tryimg to find out what is going on

Answer #30

how much would we get out of this case

Answer #31

thank you myshonda…good info!

Answer #32

hey checks go out today does any one have a answer to everyones #1 question yet

Answer #33

I bet you anything, that as of next week they wont even answer their phones. They are going to send us our $75 checks and that’s all. They might change their number. You know how con artist do it. I just called and talked to a man named James and he said he is still waiting for a new up date over 100 people have called him today. Oh and the checks will be mailed out friday afternoon. So all we can do is sit and wait.

Answer #34

I received a check in the mail for $25.50. So here’s your answer.

Answer #35

Okay, today is the 29th, I called and spoke with a women who gave me the same answer as above…August 1, 2009 and no amount was posted. I hope there are plenty of posts this weekend or the beginning of next week with good news.

Answer #36

I have great information for everyone who is expecting to receive a check…I just called 1-888-985-2065 and the gentleman informed me that the checks will be sent out this week by August 1, 2009..he was unable to give me the amount of the checks but said the amount should be available after the checks have been mailed…so please everyone, once you receive your check come back and post the amount you received so that we can see for ourselves if it adds up correctly..

Answer #37
  • $6.89 million total

$4 million – Beverly v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. $2.89 million – Beverly v. ChoicePoint Inc.

Type of Case: Class actions, violations of Fair Credit Reporting Act

Attorneys: Leonard A. Bennett, Christopher Colt North, Newport News; Matthew J. Erasuquin, Fairfax

Summary: In these related cases, plaintiffs alleged that Wal-Mart violated FCRA by using consumer reports to process employment applications without providing timely notice that it intended to do so.

Plaintiffs alleged that CheckPoint, which provided the reports to Wal-Mart, failed to notify consumers that it was providing a criminal background check at the time that it provided them to Wal-Mart.

The parties agreed that CheckPoint would be responsible for paying $4 million into a fund to settle the claims against Wal-Mart. The class has about 74,000 members, and each member will receive up to $54.

In a separate settlement, ChoicePoint will pay $25 to each to as many as 120,000 class members.

The settlements were reached in December and a fairness hearing is set for April in U.S. District Court in Richmond.

© Copyright 2009, by Virginia Lawyers

Answer #38

I got a check dated Aug 6th 2009, for $50.04.

Answer #39

I recieved an actual check in the mail today for the whopping sum of… wait for it… $50.04. I had to do a search on line to learn what the hell it was for. Now I know. Can’t really say the 50bucks is going to do much to help me now. When I applied for a job at Target I was getting pretty desperate for work. In a lot of ways I’m glad I didn’t pass that stupid background check. Because today I’m working for a much better Company and making way more money then I would of at Target.

Add that to the arrival of this breeze of a monetary windfall and I can’t complain at all.

Huzzah to the system!!

Answer #40

Sure we can all log back on to tell each other that we all got $75. That’s what we will get. Those lawyers aren’t going to give us much of anything. They are saving it all for themselfs. We are the bottom people on the role. Does anyone know how many people are going to receive a check. We should atleast get $1000 for our time.

Answer #41

So…if we received the $25.50 check, should we be expecting the 2nd one for $54???

Answer #42

I just got my check yesterday for $25. I thought we were getting $79 ($54 from Walmart and $25 from ChoicePoint). When I called the 888# this morning, the guy said some people are getting two separate checks and others are just getting one or the other. I was refused employment from Walmart in 8/05. Does anyone know what the check amounts depend on?

Answer #43

I received a check today from them and it was for 50 dollars yay wow and all that

Answer #44

I got the 25.50 dollar check today

Answer #45

$25.50…now thats what I call justice…ROFLAMO

Answer #46

The check is in the amount of 25.50… The guy that I talked to said that is all we are going to get too

Answer #47

im glad people are starting to recieve something..I hope it will help towards still waiting on mine but plan on using it towards school supplies :)

Answer #48

Why are some people getting $50.04 and others $20.50? I thought we were all getting the same amount.

Answer #49

Yes I just got a $50 dollar check from it

Answer #50

Hey, I don’t remember ever recieving a letter, but I recieved a check today for $25.50 so I googled it and came upon this site. This is all sooo crazy! But yes I too tried to get a job @ walmart a few years ago.

Answer #51

I got my check 2day its only 25 and it looks fake lol nobody will cash it

Answer #52

My check came today (8/11). $50.04

I was turned down for a job at Target over three years ago.

Answer #53

I rec’d this letter also but here it is end of July and haven’t rec’d any money. They(walmart) turn me down due to no credit history! What a joke, cause I went thur everything, sit thur all meetings, long 2 interviews and ended up not getting the job cause I didnt have any credit…

Answer #54

yes. I got my check today (8-11-09). it is only for 50.04. still better than nothing.

Answer #55

Yes it is true as we received our check today and it was for 50.04. My husband was also denied a job due to criminal background check. Boy, we can use this money now a days.

Answer #56

Wow!!! I recieved $25.50.

Answer #57

I received 25.50 today too

Answer #58

25.50 as well, received today

Answer #59

I recieved 25.50 today

Answer #60

I recieved 25.50 on aug 10,2009

Answer #61

has any one called lately to find out how small our checks will be.

Answer #62

talked to a rep friday Aug. 7. Said $25 checks were in the mail.

Answer #63

wow!that little money for a job that could have changed my life…its not fair.

Answer #64

Okay, it is almost August. Will the checks be sent out?

Answer #65

NOPE!! What is going on???

Answer #66

Are you sure it’s legit?

Make sure it’s not a scam…if they ask you for any personal information or credit cards - be wary.

Otherwise, just wait it out and see what happens.

Answer #67

YES–I am not alone… I received the same letter in the mail today and was wondering the same thing… It is legit, but other than what is said in the letter and on the website, I didn’t find anything else out.

Answer #68

I think it is legit, my husband got the same letter, and its because they turned him down for a job at walmart because of his background.. I wonder how much each person is entitled to ?

Answer #69

hey I got the same letter for that lawsuit as well cause I have a criminal backround to but I didnt lie about my backround on the app. when I applied and I past my drug test to for target and didnt hire me either.

Answer #70

I got the same letter I have been going thur some stuff and it seem real but wondering how much money and then they said everyone will get it before aug 1

Answer #71

I called the 800 # and they told me the amount of my check is $50.04 and that the checks were mailed out on august 4th, so there you have it…so call in and let us know how much your check is..

Answer #72

for the roomate who wants to know if he’s included in the lawsuit he can call this number 1-888-985-2065 and they can tell him but if he did’nt receive an notice then he probaly is’nt

Answer #73

Wow…this entire time I never thought about searching for more info on this “lawsuit” Wish I had though…I was hoping there would only be less than 100 in the lawsuit so I could get a LARGE amount from the settlement!! LMAO Guess we all wished hu!!

Checks were supposibly mailing out Aud 2nd from Jacksonville Fl, and was told they dont have the amounts & we just wont know until we each receive em! Bummer! But, something’s better than nothing! =]

Answer #74

I spoke with a representative 5/21/09. he advised that the settlement was approved and check will begin to be sent out by aug 01,2009. make sure that your address is current. if not you have to mail or fax a letter stating an address change. also current address. for specifics call the 1-888 number.

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