How to not be so scared of church?

okay. im young. I am soo scared of church. I dont know why I guess I was never involved with my churches youth group when I was little and when I meet my friends & went to their youth group I was never treated the same as them because I didn’t go there as long as they did then we stopped going / kinda believing my best friend. is very Christian. hes going to school to be a youth pastor. he wants me to go to his chruch. and try it again and my mom wants me to too. along with an old bestfriend but because I stopped believing in god and have done some very big sins. I am so scared because I dont want to be a hypocrite and I dont know I dont want to be an outsider and feel all awkward. I don’t know what to do. I want to believe in god but it seems so hard. my bestfriend is so important to me and he knows a lot and I look up to him I want to be a better person and this seems like a good way to improve my life. but…im so scared. what if everyone there hates me.


Answer #1

if people there judge you there not real christians because we werent givin the right to judge a sin is a sin EVERYONE comits sin even the pastor scary right lol you shudnt be scared people go to church to ask for forgiveness do you know how happi god is when you enter his house he wears the biggest smile it doesnt matter how big your sins are if your trully sorry just ask him to forgive you and like that your forgivin your sins are for ever ereased and he neva brings them up again

all religion is is faith you dont have to go to a youth group I dont I go and I ask god to come into my heart and it feels amazing its about havin a relationship with him not stupid rules or anything like that there is so much kool stuff god does

dont do it just because your friends r,,, go to church read a bible ask god to help give you faith talk to him more it doesnt always have to be by praying you know

if you have any questions about anything you can always message me =)

Answer #2

Don’t be afraid. Most of what you fear will never happen and the little that will is something that you can’t change but must deal with when it occurs.

Remember, too, churches are for sinners – not saints.  

v Religion and church 
  1.        The common purpose of religion is to aid the entity in its search for Truth. 
  2.        Each entity's level of development and understanding is different. 
  3.        It takes many different styles of religion to accommodate the growth needs of entities at various times. 
  4.        The value of a religion can be judged by its operation and intended accomplishments. 
  5.        Churches exist for the benefit of entities. 
  6.        Churches are to religion what a bathtub is to water. 
  7.        They allow the entity an opportunity to soak in the fellowship of like-minded entities. 
  8.        Churches also allow an entity a method through which to share. 

From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

Answer #3

Hello: If you go to an Independent Bible Church, or any one that is Christ centered, you will truly be accepted and loved just as you are! Signs of a loving church body: Are you welcomed with open arms, introduced to others your age, asked if there are others in your family, invited back, meet the pastor, youth pastor, come to Sunday School, or to the youth group in the evening? The Holy Spirit gives us conviction about our sins and if we really want to change, He is the only one who can help. All we need to do is call upon the LORD Jesus, ask Him for forgiveness, to help change us from our wicked ways and follow Him. It truly is that easy. Do you want to be used by Jesus? Can you sing, do you have a special gift to share. The Church (with a capital C) actually represents the Body of Christ! If you really look up to your friend and seek his wise counsel, make sure he has given his life to the LORD. Once we are saved, no power on earth or under the earth can take us away from the Love of Christ. Read John in the New Testament to see how much God loves you!

Answer #4

Just because your mom and your best friend want you to go to church and believe like they do doesn’t mean you have to.

You sholdn’t let other people make you feel like you are less of a person because you don’t believe like they do. I went through a lot of the same feelings when I quit believing in God. The kids from families that went to church regularily and were active in their churches were always held up by teachers, coaches, and other adults as the ideal which was a way of saying that less or non religious kids were less good. It took me a few years before I quit apologizing for not believing in God. At the time the only atheist I knew of was Madelyn Murray O’Hair and everyone I knew seemed to hate her. I just want you to know there are a lot of atheists out there (millions even) and some of them are really great people. You don’t have to believe in God to be a good person. You just have to be thoughtful and care about other people.

If you are going to believe in God make it because it seems right to you not because your mom and friends pressure you to conform to their beliefs or because you think you have to believe to be a good person.

Answer #5

GIve it time…going any place with lots of people you dont know can be scary…then add religion to the mix and it can seem rather intimidating. So my advice to you is to give yourself time to feel comfortable and eventualy feel like part of the church family.

Answer #6

beautiful answer flossheal. once again your faith and sincerity are obvious. if everyone attending church were like you, there would be no fear. I guess the trick is finding the church members that are kind and open, warm and understanding. it might take a little time but toedancer4life, it will be worth it. and remember, EVERYONE has made mistakes. we are human.

Answer #7

hey, when you said. “I am so scared because I dont want to be a hypocrite “ it just made me want to tell you that all christians.. well most are hypocrits, im just being honest.. im a christian myself and yes christians are hypocrits. just know that jesus loves you no matter what you do. no matter what sin you make he will ALWAYS love you. dont be scared to go to church. it reallly is a lot of fun… well I guess it kinda depends on the church you go to. lol but all the churches I have been to are a lot of fun. and everyone will more then likely accept you, they wont make you feel like an outcast, or they shouldnt.. even if they do it brings me right back to the all christians are hypocritical thing. anyways I hope this kind of helped. w/b

Answer #8

The reality is, you probably will be judged by the churchies. You fears are rational. If you want to live a better life, you really don’t need a church, you just need to make a commitment to yourself.

Also, you say you’ve done some really bad things. Maybe you have I don’t know. But unless what you did harmed someone (or had a high liklihood of harming others), then in what sense is it bad? A lot of people carry around guilt complexes needlessly because they’ve bought into the lie that perfectly natural harmless activities are evil.

Answer #9

Church is nothing to fear, I really enjoy going. As for what you have done. . . I really doubt they are going to out weigh some of us with our list of things we’ve done.

Answer #10

You are exactly the kind of person Jesus wants in his Church!

I say that because he constantly had trouble with the ‘goody-goody’ religious people of his day, who looked to their own goodness to set them right with God. They got really upset when Jesus spent time with ‘outsiders’ who had done things that kept them distant from God. Examples of those outsiders were tax collectors who cheated and stole, prostitutes and terrorists/freedom fighters. Others looked at them and saw their sins. Jesus looked at them and loved them. ‘Good’ people found that shocking.

So, before you go to church, just take some time to read a Bible story like the Lost Sheep (Luke chapter 15), which Jesus told to the people who complained when he ate with ‘sinners’.

If you feel like a hypocrite, then you aren’t one. Real hypocrites think they’re great. You already have some doubts about yourself, and you could go to church and be honest to God about how you feel. That’s all you need, for a start.

And if the people at the church welcome you as warmheart has described, then they’re doing what Jesus wants. If they don’t then they are more in danger of hypocrisy than you! The fact that your best friend is already so trustworthy and encouraging is a good indication that you will be welcomed.

My advice would be to read about Jesus (begin with the Lost Sheep but browse around the gospels a bit), and then pray a short prayer. I know you’re not at all sure about believing in God but He listens to prayers even if we don’t believe! Something along the lines of: ‘God, if you’re real, I want to believe in you. Please help me begin by getting me to church and letting me feel welcome there.’

I’ll pray for you too - I’m sure your best friend would be pleased if you asked for his prayers as well.

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