Cheating with a married man

My husband recently started a new job and has met new friends. Recently, the families all got together for a weekend. Much to my surprise, this new co-worker and I hit it off amazingly. He to is obviously married with children about the same age as mine. We have talked many hours since our meeting and he has filled me in on the past 2 years of his marriage and I have discussed parts of my maritial problems. Needless to say we are both basically staying in our marriages for our childrens’ sake. My husband and I have grown apart over the past 3 years and my “new friends” just as unhappy as I if not even more unhappy. I don’t know what exactly to do with this whole situation. I always swore I would never cheat on my spouse but this is so much more than “jumping into bed”. We can sit and talk for hours and I feel more comfortable talking with him than I do with my husband of 7 years. I know we shouldn’t even be considering this, but he and I are considering trying to keep our relationship alive until our children are old enough to understand. Please help, I have no one else to talk with.

Answer #1

Cheating is never the answer. Plenty of families seperate. If you and your husband are on the same page - marraige being dead in the water you need to make a clean break and maybe then start something new. If you go behind his and your kids backs you bound to loose some respect when they find out, and I’m sure your husband would be hurt. Make sure your not giving it up for nothing, you can’t get it back. And are you sure this guy is for you? Just be careful, its a big gamble you need to be 100% talk things over with your husband see if there is any love there apart from being the mother of his kids

Answer #2

you need to just end your marriage. if you cheat it will come back and hit you in the face. your husband and kids will be upset. end your marriage before jumping into a new relationship, and please wait for the other man to be divorced as well.

Answer #3

Staying for the children will only hurt in the long run, if you cheat you will loose respect the moment they have the ability to understand the concept. If things are bad and its best to leave, then leave but don’t jump into a relationship with another man. Your kids come first and they should always come first. Wait a while before dating again, you know it’s wrong-otherwise you wouldn’t have questioned it.

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