Cellulite? Fat? Which one?

Ok, ok I know everyone asks this question and I’ve read a few of them but I’d liek a specific answer for myself. So, I have large thighs, I’ve onyl just noticed this since what you would call ‘growing into a young adult’. I asked my parents about why I have them and no one at my high school does but all they say it could be genes (I say it might be cellulite) but they say it definitly not fat.

Now I don’t have a clue of what to do because I’m told if I work out like what people say you should to get slim thighs and such it will onyl make them bigger, so then, what am I expected to do. I’m not going to be left at home doing nothing to get them. I’m sure theres someone that can easily answer this question because I am completely stuck here. Thanks!

PS. StrawberryCake has nothign to do with a food addiction its just a cute alias I have.

Answer #1

well fat is fat cellulite is when your fat has lumps in it, making the appearance on the outside all dimply many girls and women have cellulite, skinny, healthy and fat people have it if you only do exerscises that help to build muscles on your thighs, then yes, theyll just get bigger but you can do exerscises to help make them smaller like squats and lunges keep in mind you wont see results quickly, it would take at least a month of regular exercises to see a difference and then a few more monthsto a year to see a very noticable differance most women store fat in there thighs, which is due to genes its very likley that many other kids at your school also depsoite fat in there thighs because of there genes some girls things will be smaller than yours, some will be larger it also has a bit to do with your bones, as not everyones are the same size and width it would be best to see a dcotor and get your bmi (body mass index) correctly calculated for your height and weight he/she will tell you what weight range your in, and how much you need to gain/loose if your not in the healthy weight range while your there ask them if your thighs are normal or if your body deposits fat there

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