Cell phone crisis!!!

Ok so im 11 and that’s a resonable age to get a cell phone right?im almost 12 and I really want one because I was at a party with my friends who’re about the same age as me and like 4 or 3of them had cell phones and it’s just unfair!!!iwant a cell phone!!so at about what age should you be able to get a cell phone and how could you convince your parents to let you get 1???

Answer #1

my opinion, your way too young to have a cell phone. Unless its like a prepaid one if you get lost or something. Not a phone to talk to your friends and try to “be cool” with.

Answer #2

Your parents know you best - they’re looking after your best interests - show them responsibility and respect and it won’t be long before you’re using your minutes…Take care !!

Answer #3

the best way to convince your ‘rents is to tell them you’ll get a prepaid one, and pay for it all yourself. the phone itself is like 20 bucks.

Answer #4

My nephew has a cell phone and he’s 9.Convince your parents by showing them that you are responsible enough to have a cell phone.Tell them about how good it is to have a cell for emergency.Tell them that you can call them from anywhere to let them know if you’ll be late so they don’t have to worry.

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